Source: clientModules/createLinkToWikiPage.js

 * @file This file creates a link at the bottom in a glossary page to the Wiki article that is the source for the page.
 * @author Kor Dwarshuis
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @since 2023-11-23

const paths = require('../docusaurus.paths.js');
const baseUrl = paths.baseUrl;

const createLinkToWikiPage = () => {
    // Where are we in the glossary?
    const urlIsGlossary = baseUrl + 'docs/glossary/'
    // And, are we in the glossary? Test if urlIsGlossary is in window.location.pathname
    const urlIsGlossaryInPathname = window.location.pathname.includes(urlIsGlossary);

    // if we are not in the glossary, return
    if (!urlIsGlossaryInPathname) {

    // everything after the last slash in the url pathname
    const pathname = window.location.pathname.split('/').pop();

    // in pathname remove everything after the first hash and everything after the first question mark
    const pathnameWithoutHash = pathname.split('#')[0];
    const pathnameWithoutQuestionMark = pathnameWithoutHash.split('?')[0];

    // create a url to the wiki page
    const urlToWiki = baseUrl + 'wiki/' + pathnameWithoutQuestionMark + '/';

    // create a link to the wiki page
    const linkToWiki = document.createElement('a');

    // add classes to the link
    linkToWiki.classList.add('btn', 'btn-outline-secondary', 'mt-5');

    // set the link's href TODO: '' in a variable
    linkToWiki.setAttribute('href', '' + urlToWiki);

    // set the link's text
    linkToWiki.innerText = 'Edit on Wiki';

    // set title attribute
    linkToWiki.setAttribute('title', 'Edit this term definition on GitHub Wiki');

    // set target attribute
    linkToWiki.setAttribute('target', '_blank');

    // set rel attribute
    linkToWiki.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener noreferrer');

    // add the link to the Wiki page at the end of the page

// function to call when the route changes
export function onRouteDidUpdate({ location, previousLocation }) {
    // Don't execute if we are still on the same page; the lifecycle may be fired
    // because the hash changes (e.g. when navigating between headings)
    // if (location.pathname === previousLocation?.pathname) return;