* @file This file fetches the commit hashes of current file and shows it after clicking on a button. The info is fetched from the Github API.
* @author Kor Dwarshuis
* @version 1.0.0
* @since 2024-04-19
const paths = require('../docusaurus.paths.js');
const baseUrl = paths.baseUrl;
const textStrings = {
fetchCommitHash: 'Show commit info',
loading: 'Loading...',
noCommitHash: 'No commit info found',
const fetchCommitHash = () => {
// Where are we in the glossary?
const urlIsGlossary = baseUrl + 'docs/glossary/'
// And, are we in the glossary? Test if urlIsGlossary is in window.location.pathname
const urlIsGlossaryInPathname = window.location.pathname.includes(urlIsGlossary);
// if we are not in the glossary, return
if (!urlIsGlossaryInPathname) {
const owner = 'WebOfTrust';
const repo = 'WOT-terms';
const pathName = window.location.pathname;
let filePath = pathName.substring(pathName.indexOf('/', 1) + 1) + ".md";
console.log('filePath: ', filePath);
// in filePath, replace the string “glossary” with “04_glossary”
filePath = filePath.replace('glossary', '04_glossary');
// GitHub API URL
const url = `https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/commits?path=${filePath}`;
console.log('url: ', url);
const buttonElement = document.createElement('button');
buttonElement.innerText = textStrings.fetchCommitHash;
buttonElement.classList.add('btn', 'btn-outline-secondary', 'mt-5', 'ms-2');
// add the paragraph to the page at the end of the page
// Function to fetch the latest commit hash of the file
async function fetchLatestCommitHash() {
buttonElement.innerText = textStrings.loading;
try {
// Fetch the list of commits for the specified file
const response = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
// Check for rate limit before proceeding
if (response.status === 403 && response.headers.get('X-RateLimit-Remaining') === '0') {
const resetTime = new Date(response.headers.get('X-RateLimit-Reset') * 1000);
console.error(`Github API rate limit exceeded. Try again after ${resetTime}`);
alert(`Github API rate limit exceeded. Try again after ${resetTime}`);
// Check if the request was successful
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
// Extract JSON data from the response
const data = await response.json();
// Check if there are any commits
if (data.length === 0) {
buttonElement.innerText = textStrings.noCommitHash;
// Process the last ten commits
const commits = data.slice(0, 10); // Get only the last ten commits
// reverse commits array to display from oldest to newest
commits.forEach((commit, index) => {
const date = new Date(commit.commit.committer.date);
const divElement = document.createElement('div');
divElement.innerHTML = `
<p class="mt-5">Commit ${index + 1}</p>
<td><img style="width: 50px;" src='${commit.author.avatar_url}' alt='' /></td>
<td>${commit.commit.committer.name} (${commit.commit.committer.email})</td>
<td>` + date.toDateString() + `</td>
<td>` + commit.sha + `</td>
<td><textarea class="form-control">` + commit.commit.verification.signature + `</textarea></td>
// Add each new div element after the buttonElement
buttonElement.parentNode.insertBefore(divElement, buttonElement.nextSibling);
buttonElement.innerText = textStrings.fetchCommitHash;
return commits.map(commit => commit.sha);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to fetch commit hash:', error);
alert('Failed to fetch commit hash: ' + error);
// Call the function
// fetchLatestCommitHash();
buttonElement.addEventListener('click', fetchLatestCommitHash);
export function onRouteDidUpdate({ location, previousLocation }) {
// Don't execute if we are still on the same page; the lifecycle may be fired
// because the hash changes (e.g. when navigating between headings)
if (location.pathname === previousLocation?.pathname) return;