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Great kickoff! Phil’s slides
Yes, that was a great kickoff. I’m excited to help move this along.
<@U055XBX2EAD> has joined the channel
First issue created to start discussion:
<@U02PA6UQ6BV> has joined the channel
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/github subscribe WebOfTrust/ietf-did-keri
:white_check_mark: Subscribed to . This channel will receive notifications for `issues`, `pulls`, `commits`, `releases`, `deployments`
I'd like to get regular did:keri meetings schedule and was hoping to use the KERI Edu time slot for now until we want to start having Edu meetings again. <@U02PA6UQ6BV> is that OK with you?
The time would be every other Thursday at 7:00am PDT starting on May 18th.
/github unsubscribe WebOfTrust/ietf-did-keri
Unsubscribed from
I moved the GitHub notifications to <#C0571ESRATS|did-keri-dev> to keep this channel for discussion and that for dev updates
So I'll repost the following because it got immediately lost by the GitHub noise:
I'd like to get regular did:keri meetings schedule and was hoping to use the KERI Edu time slot for now until we want to start having Edu meetings again. <@U02PA6UQ6BV> is that OK with you? The time would be every other Thursday at 7:00am PDT starting on May 18th.
Of course!
This works for me
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Where are meeting information / calendar invite for the did:keri meetings?
<@U055XBX2EAD> zoom link is in the title of the keri-dev channel. It’ll be UTC+2 time today.
4PM Amsterdam time
Thanks <@U02PA6UQ6BV> but I'm confused because above there is a message that says _"every other Thursday at 7:00am PDT starting on May 18th"_, i.e. this suggests it's again next week, not this week.
You might be right, I am sorry for this ambiguity. From the recents posts in keri-dev I concluded that the team would appreciate you to join keri-dev and did-keri would be a focal topic every other week. But again, I might be wrong.
There have been several conversations around the keri dev meetings apologies for not updating here. They are currently every Thursday the meeting info is in <#C055FTYLLBS|keri-dev> the topic will vary for those who are providing keri implementations, happy to talk did keri today, however Phil is away on vacation.
Is there a calendar invite for the meeting somewhere?
It’s in <#C055FTYLLBS|keri-dev>
I see a zoom link in Keri dev but not a calendar link
So you wanna see the DID Doc for the production GLEIF Root of Trust Identifier? Try this: `did:web: `. The Universal Resolver seemed to like it! The DID Doc is auto-generated from the key event log of the KERI AID live at every resolution. This will track all key state changes and updates to service endpoints. This particular web service is also configured for GLEIF External and GLEIF Internal. It could be used by anyone to expose any KERI AID as a did:web DID. The other two are: `did:web: ` `did:web: ` This is _not_ a did method specification or resolver for did:keri. It is a utility for KERI AID controllers.
Nice!. We can talk about that at keri dev meeting tomorrow.
After a day long discussion from members of the DID community, I'm going to amend my comment... this _should_ be did:keri. And a properly built did:keri resolver that is implemented this way can also masquerade as a did:web endpoint for the same AIDs. If you access the did:keri variant you use a did:keri resolver and get the full response with DID Doc, Resolution and Document Metadata which would include the KEL and rpy messages. Fully end verifiable. If you access the did:web endpoint, you get the DID Doc so it will work when accessed from a did:web resolver. (like the current version is doing).
<@U04HMQT1XFV> has joined the channel
Wow, this is cool!
Why do the mailboxes show up?
How do you access a KERI DID doc with the `did:keri` variant? Is that with ?
<@U0566J9JDQ8> have you seen this yet?
I did! This is very intriguing.
<@U05DT8YPEG1> has joined the channel
Whats the correct way of referencing a specific key and the sequence number this key has been part of the KEL? `did:keri:EXq5YqaL6L48pf0fu7IUhL0JRaU2_RxFP0AL43wYn148;sequence=1#key-1` `did:keri:EXq5YqaL6L48pf0fu7IUhL0JRaU2_RxFP0AL43wYn148?sequence=1#DaU6JR2nmwyZ-i0d8JZAoTNZH3ULvYAfSVPzhzS6b5CM`
Nos sure if there's an answer yet to your question since the did:keri spec is being redefined.
There will be a translation to a standard DID doc so there will not be a KERI specific way of referencing keys
Does this mean that referencing keys is done in the standard way as specified in ?
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