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I just learned about Lens Protocol basically an “Own your Social Graph” thing, where you can, (in some sense) share a social community in any application. i.e. if your application integrates Lens, then when 1 user comes, all their users come (in some sense). Pretty cool idea. I wondered if there was a way KERI could use this to leverage “community building” or even an interesting integration with the “ecosystems” we discuss in keri. I know when we say “ecosystems” in keri, its much more than just users, its infrastructure and applications as well. Just a <#C013EEKQXAP|random> thought :slightly_smiling_face:
Yes, this would be really cool. We should take a closer look at it.
Weird: my browsers refuse to load that site.
SSL errors
Now it just worked. :woozy_face:
This blockchain is about “models of digital trust” — slightly related to what we are doing here
i.e Possibly could be integrated in a “Governance” model
Something that helps imbue trust a KERI identifier
> UTU is pioneering digital models of decentralized trust built around human beings and how they naturally trust. UTU’s vision is to become the trust infrastructure of the entire internet, replacing anonymous star ratings, reviews, and scores as the de facto trust mechanisms of our digital lives.
> UTU’s Mission — To bridge the gap between how we trust in real life and how we are asked to trust online — to make the internet a safer, more trusted place to gather, share, work, and trade. UTU uses social graph mapping, contextually powered data, AI and oracles to develop trusted recommendations for users.
<@U03QRSUA87Q> I am reading through the white paper too. Sorry to be a party pooper, but lots of namedropping and good intentions in this whitepaper but not a lot of concrete steps. And then suddenly out of the blue: “Therefore our trusted recommendation service (TR) can be formalised as a function: ” That’s where they lose me.
Screenshot 2023-03-27 at 17.20.29.png
Looks like this is actually about “Trusted Services” (i.e. can I trust this service provider)
Nothing to do with individual trust (Peer to Peer), but can I trust this “service provider” generally.
And specifically, “Blockchain Providers”, not just any provider (a.k.a. a Trustworthy dApp)
Maybe I am too harsh in my judgement. Blockchain i.m.o. is a silo. And whatever UTU is going to chose (I only see that they’ve been testing) for a blockchain solution, they’ll never be able to meet their proclaimed goals, because they won’t be serving the whole trust spanning layer, just another blockchain-based trust service?
Correct me if I’m wrong, they’re reinventing the wheel.
Connect-to-Earn: Build your digital reputation denominated in Utu Trust Tokens (UTT) by connecting your social medias to UTU Protocol
There we go again. Selling tokens.
Sorry <@U03QRSUA87Q> just trying to take short cuts here :blush:
Good discussion. Just learning what’s out there in the space
You can be as harsh as you want in your judgement. :slightly_smiling_face:
I am definitely weathered and suspicious to the bone in 10 years of ICO -, blockchain app - and now NFT bullshit after the emerge of bitcoin.
I appreciate your open mindedness Joseph and your skepticism Henk. Fundamentally trust is about composing credential/reputation issuer networks. KERI is purpose built for that. If the Trusted Recommendation Service described the use of issuer networks that were configurable like KERI is then I suppose it could be integrated into the KERI ecosystem. There is no need for tokens like the UTT if people can express their trust domain language as verifiable credentials (ACDC). A trust token de-personalizes and removes the context of trust and, I argue, is misleading. Trust decisions are best made on an individual claim basis with specific data points or data attributes. Trust tokens oversimplify the character and depth of trust decisions to a mere number, eerily reminiscent of social credit scoring systems. As much as I like people’s creativity I am also suspicious to the bone as well as skeptical of any potential trust provider who sidesteps the complexity of trust networks in favor of an oversimplified trust mechanism, especially if it is a token.
Anyone oversimplifying trust to a token is typically asking you to implicitly (when ignorant or dishonest) or explicitly (when honest and naiëve) accept their argument from authority that their blockchain nodes are a trustable authority. Yet, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of trust bases in the first place, replacing one centralized identity or trust provider with yet another centralized provider that can gatekeep trust relationships? The power and value of KERI and ACDC, and really any blockchain solution, is the empowerment of the individual, group, or corporation to form their trust relationships in a way that best protects and suits their rights and needs.
My open mindedness and relentless will to slaughter ideas that just aren’t good enough has brought me to KERI :slightly_smiling_face:
To completely eviscerate this trust token idea ask yourself this question: can you simplify your relationship with your significant other to a number? Or would that dehumanize them? So you see trust tokens are inherently dehumanizing. They are not something I am interested in. I argue money is not a trust token. It is supposed to be a global aggregate price index when managed properly.
A number belies the story behind a trust decision. Reputation is ALL about story. So money and reputation are orthogonal concerns. Both must be solved in tandem, though one cannot replace the other.
Thx guys.
Today I Learned: Coalition for Content Provenance and Authentication (C2PA)
ACDCs for the significant steps in the creation process would be good too
Another random SSID - based on Bitcoin
RIF is a suite of decentralized infrastructure protocols powered by RSK smart contracts. So operational security wise it’s based on the RSK sidechain.