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Talk Proposal: CESRox current state. This is a low priority talk since we have only a small amount of progress to show this time so other cooler topics should get the best positions ahead of this talk.
<@U03QRSUA87Q> has joined the channel
Hello IIW folks. I have put together a rough draft of a `did:keri` DID Method Resolver here: It has 2 command in its command line tool... `dkr server start` to launch an HTTP server for that responds to a `POST /resolve` for resolving a `did:keri` DID and a `dkr resolve` that will resolve the DID right on the command line. I also recently added `kli did generate` to the keripy command line tool for creating a valid DID. The did syntax is as follows:
I am planning on hosting a session on `did:keri` and hope to get input from DID folks on this approach and help building out support for DIDDic metadata and DID resolution metadata to allow for folks to retrieve a DIDDoc from an untrusted source and able to perform the verification of key state themselves.  Hope to see everyone there
<@U03N48D5VD1> has joined the channel
I’ll give it a run.
Just got to SF btw! See you all soon
Where would I find the DID after generation? I ran the following:
1. dkr server start
   Output: did:keri Method Resolver listening on 7676
2. kli did generate -n kentbull
   Output: Keystore must already exist, exiting
Do I need to clean my local ~/.keri or otherwise?
You must create a keystore and an AID to generate a DID
got it, thanks
I’ll read through the scripts and find that sequence of commands. I’m sure it’s in a few at least.
I was using to get 2 AIDS
I see it. Thank you
We should add did generate to one of our scripts
is everyone meeting for breakfast tomorrow? what time?
We will be there at the start of breakfast. I think it is at 8:00am. We want to have a KERI table.
See you all then!
<@U03R27M4FM3> has joined the channel
I have notes from the IIW 35 Weds, Nov 17, Session 14, Breakout Room A on Authentic Web/Authentic Data which I will write up over the weekend.
Looking forward to it!
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