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<@U024KC347B4> has joined the channel
Hello! I thought it would be a nice idea to have a place for everyone to introduce themselves, maybe you can't make the community calls so Slack is a nice back up.
I work for GLEIF, I am a developer on keripy and derivative repos and the vlei ecosystem!
<@U03P53FCYB1> has joined the channel
<@U04DQE2G36F> has joined the channel
<@U03U37DM125> has joined the channel
<@U04RNMG8Z51> has joined the channel
Hi all, I'm co-founder at - a Swiss non profit association that pushes for adoption of SSI tech and principles in digital identity and data management. I've a tech background and am interested in understanding KERI tech with a goal to see and implement b2b use-cases around it. The association has started the process to get a vLEI, to acquire a real word experience using the tech and discover use-cases.
<@U03EUG009MY> has joined the channel
I am a developer and a KERI enthusiast contributing to the developer and architect onboarding experience with a few blog posts on KERI at the moment [, ] with more to come, have been assisting with the CESR community meetings, and am working to contribute to the CESRide and Parside repositories.
Nice to meet you Vasily, we have a community call on Tuesday for KERI next week, sound like the perfect opportunity to talk about your work and help with the questions you have.
<@U04H17ZEX9R> has joined the channel
<@U04GUPCB1M4> has joined the channel
*<@U024KC347B4>* Thank you for raising the concern about the introduction of our community members. My colleague, <@U04GUPCB1M4>, and I are from Finema, an SSI startup based in Bangkok, Thailand. Personally, I came across KERI in one of the IIWs in 2021 and have read the white paper. However, we started working seriously on KERI and GLEIF early this year. We also hope to become a QVI sometime this year and have started the qualification process. Currently, we are interested in the use cases in the financial sector and logistics. I have joined a few of the KERI/ACDC community calls. However, it has been quite difficult due to my timezone in GMT+7. I will be in the next IIW in April and would love to meet the people in this community in person.
This is very exciting!! I remember you from last IIW, looking forward to the next one!
Are you going to the APAC un-conference that is Bangkok during those days?
Unfortunately, I am unavailable during the APAC unconference. Though a colleague of mine of there.
<@U04HQD29Z7E> has joined the channel
Hi everyone! I work for Qui Identity developing decentralized identity tech and have chosen KERI to back our product. I contribute to the Apache2 licensed Rust repositories related to KERI/ACDC/CESR, which at the moment means .
<@U0507HA0BR9> has joined the channel
<@U04UY973WQ5> has joined the channel
Hey everyone! :wave: I'm excited to join this fantastic community and introduce myself. I'm a Developer at NordLEI, a company providing LEI services in Northern Europe. While I'm fairly new to the world of SSI tech, I'm eager to learn more and deepen my understanding of it.
Hello Daniel! Welcome to the community. NordLEI looks cool. I’m excited to see you coming to learn more about KERI and ACDC. Let me know how I can help.
You may find the blog post from my tutorial series helpful: I’d be happy to answer any questions you have.
<@U055XBX2EAD> has joined the channel
Hi Kent! Thank you very much. I will definitely check it out. Your previous blog post (KLI: Sign and Verify with Heartnet) was awesome and I used it to introduce KERI to other devs in our organisation.
<@U056CE211KL> has joined the channel
Hi everyone! I'm very excited to join this community. I am from Singapore, and I am a software engineer at Assurity Trusted Solutions. We work on helping to enable Singpass to businesses around the country. We are looking into building solutions on top of vLEI, and I am hoping to learn more from you guys to help make our solutions a reality. Also, thank you <@U04H17ZEX9R> from Finema for the invite!
Thank you and welcome :)
<@U04H17ZEX9R> will be reading your blogposts in the afternoon. Thanks for sharing them!
<@U056E1W01K4> has joined the channel
We changed domains, so I have a new email address Hello again everyone!
For anyone else reading this, I could actually have transferred my account to a new email but I didn't reset my password first and then began this process, and eventually cornered myself into losing all my DMs.
how we now know that you are the real Jason? :grinning:
Haha I should have given you a KEL before and signed something after
Exciting! That’s cool you got such a short domain name.
Deepfake, deepfake!
I’m calling it now.
<@U0566J9JDQ8> has joined the channel
<@U04HMQT1XFV> has joined the channel
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<@U04BRS1MUAH> has joined the channel