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Define production ready.
The API is pretty stable at that stage, changes are inevitable but nothing big afaik, there are projects which build products based on that implementation if that helps.
if I may ask what demo are you talking about? are you presenting that to someone, in your organization or what is the context of that demo? Are you able to share a bit more? Overall all above points can be easily achieved with the current implementation
we did in the past few demos of keri technologies some of the quite advance where we linked it with credentials like passports or advance IoT use cases. Happy to share some experience if needed.
some of the use cases are described here:
which is in the context of OCA but authentication layer is provided by keri
worth to take a look on is as well our demo which we show how we leverage OCA + ACDC + KERI to get accurate data
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1. KEL is stored in sled db, you can get it and store it somewhere else or use this db for retrieval. 2. It's not. 3. If you have sled database with KEL events inside, you can provide a path to this db in . If you have KEL in CESR, you can initialize empty controller and then provide events with `process_stream` function. For multisig example, take look at .
you can pull it from DB like this: you could parse as well stream and get controller and then connect it with idenfier like this: here is an example in DART how those functions are used:
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Unlikely. To bump Node related bindings it is sufficient to work with latest changes. PR much appreciated!
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you can refer to our GH repo directly in your `cargo.toml`
Crate is planned only for libraries and sdk, keriox as a whole is more application, subcomponets like cesrox teliox, keliox and more would be expose as crates.
Is not philosophy, pure math ;) check the types of the function ;)
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