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Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
Hey Janet - <@U035D255M0R>, Janet is part of the core keri team and has developed all the workflows specific to GLIEF and their ecosystem governance framework (EGF) - so she is the perfect person to help us understand how a mobile (wallet) keep app would work - it would a generic version of some of the GLEIF workflows
it would be good for all of us to get on a (keriml?) call and talk through some of the basic functionality an app would need, managing identifiers, dealing with OOBI flows, holding and presenting credentials
but we can start here
sounds good! thanks for the intro <@U024KC347B4>, :wave::skin-tone-2: <@U036FDVV3GV>!
Mijo, can you give me your email? I'll share the Zeplin file so you can see some of the desktop wireframes :slightly_smiling_face:
You should have them now. They're a little hard to follow with not too much background, if you want to walk through them, I'd probably start in this order: All User Types - Create Your Passcode All User Types - Login Screen GAR - Intro to Your Role GAR - Create Your Identifier GAR - OOBI Flow with QAR. I'm working on creating more general screens (which is what you'll be helping us on), these are more specific to GLEIF. I'm happy to hop on a call or answer any questions for you.
got it, :pray::skin-tone-2:
Hey Mijo, what do you think? Do you want to talk through anything?
Hi Janet, I guess the best approach would be as Kevin suggested for us three to get on the call and talk through some of the basic functionality app would need… I’m pretty much flexible with times through the week
Do you guys want to get on a call tomorrow? I suggested 11am EST.
That works for me :blush:
works for me too
MIjo that is 4pm for you?
Face ID Screens
<@U035D255M0R> I've made it so anyone that has the link can view, but let me know if you have questions.
wow, that’s blazing fast! :)) :+1::skin-tone-2::top:
<@U035D255M0R> given we renamed the repo, do you think it better to find/replace in the current repo keep-ios -> kimi or just create a new one O_o
<@U024KC347B4> at this stage I think it would be better to create new one
<@U036FDVV3GV> what happens with “Maybe later”? Also it seems like I could detect depending on device wether it’s FaceID or TouchID capable, if neither I guess we’d fallback to PIN - so we can either use some generic UI not specific to FaceID or TouchID or I can dynamically change the texts <@U024KC347B4> after FaceID is authenticated we’d still generate 22char pass and provide it to keriml as a seed?
I don't think so - I think FaceID is used solely to access the application, and any keys generated would be stored in the secure enclave so we don't need a seed. The seed is used to encrypt keys on desktop as it has no secure enclave.
I haven't looked at the secure enclave APIs, so we'd need to know things like, can we use it to generate ECC/Ed25519 key pairs etc
oof and it doesn't look like it does
I'll do the rename of keri-swift -> keriml when Im done with this feature (incept)
Exactly, i could change “maybe later” to use my pin instead or something
Much clearer, thanks <@U035D255M0R>
<@U024KC347B4> do you have any thoughts on deployment target for kimi, one or two versions back?
Hey <@U036FDVV3GV> , I’ve never worked with Figma, can I inspect the elements and download assets like in Zeplin?
I haven’t signed up yet.
I actually exported them all to Zeplin
Janet can probably export to zeplin for you
I'll invite you both. The create your passcode screens are done.
<@U035D255M0R> you ever done anything like building and signing your own "frameworks" for use in a mac os app?
never for the osx app but for iOS I did
<@U036FDVV3GV> do I need to get in “Developer” role, as in Reviewer role I don’t see stuff like assets/specs..
It would roughly be the same procedure?
yeah I’d imagine it is
also I’ve noticed that keriml swift package specifies only macOS as a platform, I guess you’ll need to add iOS too eventually…
it specifies macOS v10_13
maybe we can have a call tomorrow about that? I really don't know much about that process, and I could explain what I am trying to do.
sure, I have one call 12-13 (ET), we could plan around it
just got something from 11-11:30 (ET) how about 11:30 - 12?
yeah that works, thanks
just created initial PR to “test the flow”
Oh I can make you a developer, no problem.
still getting this message if I try to see the assets for this screen
Screenshot 2022-03-21 at 22.08.09.png
and if I tap on some element I don’t see the specs like in this screenshot
Screenshot 2022-03-21 at 22.10.24.png
You should have received a new invite like just a few seconds ago with developer access
ok, let me try
yes! that’s it
thanks Janet
<@U036FDVV3GV> I’m trying the figure out the main navigation through the app and some flows. I guess the main navigation will be through the tab bar (bottom bar) with main screens: Home, Contacts, Tasks, Credentials and Profile. In Zeplin currently we have onboarding flow which happens on Home screen right? Maybe we could leverage Flows in Zeplin to get better insight.
Hey <@U035D255M0R>! I can definitely make use of flows for you. But based on your feedback, I'm wondering if it makes sense to leave the nav bar off in the create your passcode flow, just because it's not like you can really do anything until your passcode is created anyway, then go into a quick tutorial around navigation.
right, it could be separated onboarding flow, with less irrelevant options it would reduce the confusion
I'll make those updates. Thank you :blush:
It's nice to have additional feedback on these :blush:
If you need any clarification from my side I would be happy to assist
maybe even navigation bar items hamburger menu and notifications bell is also not needed on onboarding?
I can take those off :blush:
<@U036FDVV3GV> I guess we’ll need to pick different system fonts as _Lato_ and _Mulish_ are not available as or we can import specifically those if you can provide it.
Any comic sans available :)
No worries, I'll change the font :blush:
Goodbye Mulish, hello Avenir :star-struck:
Screens are updated in Zeplin <@U035D255M0R> :blush:
<@U036FDVV3GV> I’m trying to get this selected image as a .pdf asset, but all I can get as a exportable asset is time in upper left corner of this screen :thinking_face:
Screenshot 2022-03-24 at 21.48.12.png
I can get those for you. You prefer PDFs? Not PNGs?
.pdf, :pray:
Did you get the PDFs?
yes and read it already :wink: thanks!
:wave::skin-tone-2:, <@U024KC347B4> I’m trying to structure general arch design of KIMI, is there something similar already exsiting for the Mac app? I would like to know for example if I’d continue with creating AID should user input (alias, witnesses, other config) be stored in secured storage
Screenshot 2022-04-07 at 12.43.43.png
So on for the mac app we're using the OS keychain which uses an encryption key only accessible via the secure enclave, private keys generated by the app are then stored in the keychain, with the kSecAttrAccessibleWhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly setting, requiring password/biometric access to the device.
any other config data/aids are stored unencrypted, as there is no "security" bonus to doing so
apologies for the slow response
got it, thanks!
:wave::skin-tone-2: <@U036FDVV3GV>, finally I can get back to KIMI :raised_hands::skin-tone-2:. I’ve only created Welcome screen and I have some general suggestions. They are pretty bold so I’d understand if you decide not take them into consideration. For example, because of the “card-style-ui” the margins are too big, especially inner margins (card inner margin), we should keep in mind smallest supported screen real estate, e.g. iPhone SE (640px × 1136px). As suggests, we should use native controls wherever we can, for example instead of having logo in the navigation title there should be screen title and navigation controls should be leveraged instead of having “Go Back” button, “Continue” button is fine to navigate to new page, although the height should be increased to at least 44px. Are there any flows, maybe for web/mac app to serve me as a screen flow reference?
I like your suggestions, I can design for SE, no worries at all, and edit those "Go Back" and "Continue" buttons. I'll tag you in some of the desktop screens so you can see it for reference. Thank you <@U035D255M0R> you're awesome.
:wave::skin-tone-2: all, Just want to share my progress with you guys and get some feedback. The idea was to focus on completing one essential part of the app without worrying about the UI styling and customization. In video I demonstrate finishing the onboarding flow and switching to main flow. Especially in this early phase I think we should not spend too much time on styling until main functionality is in place. This way it’d be easier to adjust and iterate. If you both agree I can commit this to main branch and we can continue from this? <@U024KC347B4>, would it make sense as a next step to be focused on creating AID with keri-swift? I know that you haven’t touched it for a long time but it might be a good idea to work on both in parallel so maybe I can try to switch to it and figure out something with your guidance.
So I think it's a phenomenal start, and yes absolutely create a PR (I think you have permission to merge anyway) So the missing thing from keriml is the implementation of CESR () which is what I was working on.
awesome! :pray: I’ve created PR but it seems like I don’t have permission to merge:
Screenshot 2022-06-02 at 10.03.52.png
<@U024KC347B4> are CESR Proof Signatures needed in keri-swift? Also would it make sense to make CESR separate Swift package, as it’s not only applicable to KERI? Something like
Hey Ruth brought his up on the call, it doesn't make sense to extract CESR swift, because the only thing that would consume cesr swift, would be keriml (swift). It makes more sense to do cesrox (rust) as it can produce libs consumable by others.
Apologies for not merging, I will merge now and make you an admin
done and done
Thanks Kevin! No worries about the merge…
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