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<@U024KC347B4> has joined the channel
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/github subscribe WebOfTrust/signifypy
:white_check_mark: Subscribed to . This channel will receive notifications for `issues`, `pulls`, `commits`, `releases`, `deployments`
/github subscribe WebOfTrust/keria
:white_check_mark: Subscribed to . This channel will receive notifications for `issues`, `pulls`, `commits`, `releases`, `deployments`
<@U055XBX2EAD> has joined the channel
Wow <@U035R1TFEET> , nice work.
<@U035R1TFEET> has joined the channel
Gotta wait for the green!
I am very fond of how the GitHub integration updates the initial post as tests pass
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/github subscribe WebOfTrust/signify-ts
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Hooray! new fixes from Phil so we can easily create deterministic identifiers in our tests
<@U03EUG009MY> and I are both taking a look. I’ll focus on test_witness
… for salty keys. Randy will still be, well… Randy
Shifting focus to automating the delegation integration test stuff now, so it’s easier for others
<@U05GQD16J1L> has joined the channel
I wanted to discuss this tomorrow, but I have new approach for pagination that I've implemented in identifiers.
It uses the HTTP Range header.
It will change how we are handling these fields (and the return value of the APIs) for identifiers, contacts and credentials
<@U04BRS1MUAH> has joined the channel
We'll see if I hit coverage requirements... :crossed_fingers:
Woohoo, 88%!!
Lots of PR merges incoming...
Thanks <@U035R1TFEET>, is helpful. <@U02PA6UQ6BV>, have you seen this?
<@U024CJMG22J> diagram but I was happy to be the messenger :)
Yes, thanks <@U024CJMG22J>, for the text description as well.
I’m just happy to see another useful diagram and words to explain it.
<@U02PA6UQ6BV> has joined the channel
<@U024CJMG22J> could Kor and I receive the SVG of ?
Here you go, Henk
To support multisig communication for identifier creation, I need the inception event Serder and signatures from the `identfiers.create()` method in addition to the current Promise for the result of the HTTP call. I don't live in TypeScript so I wanted to check here with the experts (<@U03P53FCYB1> and <@U0474LZ0ZLG>) to see if the following was acceptable: I changed the `create` method to no longer be async and created an `InceptionResult` class that I'm now returning from `create` that looks like the following:
export class InceptionResult {
    private readonly _serder: Serder
    private readonly _sigs: string[]
    private readonly promise: Promise<Response>

    constructor(serder: Serder, sigs: string[], promise: Promise<Response>) {
        this._serder = serder
        this._sigs = sigs
        this.promise = promise

    get serder() {
        return this._serder

    get sigs() {
        return this._sigs

    async op(): Promise<any> {
        let res = await this.promise
        return await res.json()
Now callers that don't need anything other than the HTTP op can just call `await res.op()` and if you need the serder and sigs, they are available as getters.

Does this look "Ok"?  If so, I'll be making similar changes to `rotate` and `interact`.
<@U0474LZ0ZLG> has joined the channel
Btw, in Python I'm just returning `(serder, sigs, res.json)` because Python is awesome and TypeScript sucks.
I think it's a good approach, Not sure if you can fully avoid the `await` in the create call since you may need to check that the response status from KERIA is not in error to be sure that the inception passed the first checks from keria.
You can return async tuples with typescript
async function test1(): Promise<[string, string]> {
    return ["hello", "world"];
Destructing it
let [a, b] = await test1();
I agree with rodolfo that you should await the Response "earlier", check status and handle any error, and only if things are positive return a promise with all results. Otherwise the caller will see partial results.
The create method could then look like this
async function create(): Promise<[Serder, string[], object]> {
  return [serder, sigs, await res.json];
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