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Primary Resources

  • Title: KERI White Paper

    • Description: The foundational paper on the Key Event Receipt Infrastructure.
    • Target group: General Public, Researchers
    • Level: 1
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Keri White Paper Slide Deck

    • Description: Slide deck providing a visual and concise overview of KERI.
    • Target Group: General Audience, Developers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slide Presentation
    • Category: KERI
  • Title: Secure Privacy Authenticity Confidentiality (SPAC)

    • Description: Detailed paper on the SPAC concept as it applies to KERI.
    • Target Group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: SPAC Presentation

    • Description: A slide deck offering an overview of the SPAC concept.
    • Target Group: General Audience, Developers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slide Presentation
    • Category: KERI, SAID

Developer Resources

  • Title: Community

    • Description: Engage with an active community of developers around KERI.
    • Target group: Developers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Community
    • Category: KERI
  • Title: Open Source Implementation

    • Description: Access open-source implementations for KERI.
    • Target group: Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Implementation
    • Category: KERI

More KERI Resources

  • Title: KERI Q&A Slides IIW 2021 Spring

    • Description: Slide deck for KERI Q&A session held in spring 2021.
    • Target group: General Public, Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slides
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Other Related White Papers

    • Description: Slide deck for KERI Q&A session held in spring 2021.
    • Target group: General Public, Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slides
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Other Related Slide Decks

    • Description: Slide deck for KERI Q&A session held in spring 2021.
    • Target group: General Public, Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slides
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: How KERI Tackles the Problem of Trust

    • Description: Slide deck for KERI Q&A session held in spring 2021.
    • Target group: General Public, Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slides
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: DID Method Discussion for KERI

    • Description: Slide deck for KERI Q&A session held in spring 2021.
    • Target group: General Public, Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slides
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: On KERI: A Way Not to Reveal More Personal Info Than You Need To

    • Description: Slide deck for KERI Q&A session held in spring 2021.
    • Target group: General Public, Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slides
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Thinking of DID? KERI On

    • Description: Slide deck for KERI Q&A session held in spring 2021.
    • Target group: General Public, Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slides
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: KERI MOOC (Massive Online Opensource Course) Github Repo

    • Description: Slide deck for KERI Q&A session held in spring 2021.
    • Target group: General Public, Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slides
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: KERIdemilia DHT for Discovery

    • Description: Slide deck for KERI Q&A session held in spring 2021.
    • Target group: General Public, Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slides
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: SSI can do just fine, blockchain-less

    • Description: Slide deck for KERI Q&A session held in spring 2021.
    • Target group: General Public, Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 2
    • Type: Slides
    • Category: KERI, SAID


  • Title: The Architecture of Identity Systems

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: The Architecture of Identity Systems

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: GLEIF vLEI KERI Implementation

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Presentation to HyperLedger Identity WG

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Nonconformist Keynote Address

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Slides from Nonconformist Keynote

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Dynamic Data Economy Webinar

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Slides from DDE Presentation

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: KERI: A More Performant Ledger for Trust Identities

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Quantum Secure DIDs (RWOT X)

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Decentralized Identity as a Meta-platform: How Cooperation Beats Aggregation (RWOT IX)

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Meta-Platforms and Cooperative Network-of-Networks Effects

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: A DID for Everything (RWOT VII)

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Decentralized Autonomic Data (DAD) and the three R’s of Key Management (RWOT VI)

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Identity System Essentials

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Open Reputation Framework

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID
  • Title: Open Reputation

    • Description: An in-depth look into the architecture of identity systems.
    • Target group: Researchers, Developers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: White Paper
    • Category: KERI, SAID

Adoption Use Cases

  • Title: GLEIF vLEI in Production
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID

MORE Adoption Use Cases

  • Title: GLEIF Ecosystem Governance Framework for vLEI
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID
  • Title: The Birth of the vLEI
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID
  • Title: Digital Identity: It’s All About Authenticity
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID
  • Title: GLEIF Unveils Issuance and Infrastructure Models for Verifiable LEI
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID
  • Title: GLEIF’s Digital Strategy for the LEI
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID
  • Title: GLEIF vLEI schema and credentials
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID
  • Title: Annual Report vLEI Signing Demo
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID
  • Title: Annual Report vLEI Signing Press Release
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID
  • Title: vLEIs for Cross-Border Payments
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID
  • Title: GLEIF Newsroom
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID
  • Title: Digital Identity: It’s All About Authenticity
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID
  • Title: Simplifying legal entity identification in the digital age
    • Description: An example of GLEIF vLEI implemented in a production environment.
    • Target group: Developers, Researchers
    • Level: 3
    • Type: Use Case
    • Category: GLEIF, KERI, SAID