1 | K | n | ACDC | | ACDC | type of data as issuance concretely defined by the authentic-chained-data-container specification | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | 1 | | | | Data type as described by the authentic-chained-data-container specification. | | Data type defined by Authentic Chained Data Container Spec. |
2 | K | n | ADC | | ADC | an authentic data container conveys data that allows the authenticity of its content to be proved. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | 1 | | | | | | An authentic data container proves the authenticity of its content. |
3 | S | n | AID | | AID | an identifier that is self-certifying and self-sovereign. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | 1 | | 1 | | | | A self-certifying and self-sovereign identifier. |
4 | S | n | AN | | AN | a namespace that is truly self-sovereign. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | A self-sovereign namespace. |
5 | K | r | APC | | APC | authentic provenance chain; evidence of data to be verfiably tracked back to its origin | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Verified provenance chain; evidence of data can be tracked back to its origin. |
6 | K | r | BADA | | BADA | best available data acceptance, mechanism that provides a degree of replay attack protection | Link | Link | 3 | | | 1 | #REF! | | | | | | | best data acceptance mechanism with replay attack protection. |
7 | G | n | BFT | | BFT | Byzantine Fault Tollerance | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Byzantine Fault Tolerance |
8 | K | n | CESR | | CESR | composable event streaming representation | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | Event streaming representation |
9 | G | n | CT | | CT | certificate transparency; internet security standard for digital certificates | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Certificate Transparency is an internet security standard for digital certificates. |
10 | G | n | DAG | | DAG | directed acyclic graph, mathematical construct, no cycles in it | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Directed acyclic graph is a mathematical construct without any cycles. |
11 | K | n | DEL | | DEL | duplicitous event log | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | Event log |
12 | G | n | DHT | | DHT | distributed hash table | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | distributed hash table |
13 | S | n | DKMI | | DKMI | decentralized key management infrastructure; ensure no single third-party can compromise the integrity and security of a system | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | decentralized key management system; prevents any single third-party from compromising system integrity and security. |
14 | S | n | DPKI | | DPKI | decentralized public key infrastructure; ensure no single third-party can compromise the integrity and security of a system | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Decentralized PKI; guarantee no third-party compromise system integrity and security. |
15 | G | n | GPG | | GPG | Gnu Privacy Guard, a free-software replacement for Symantec's PGP cryptographic software suite | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Gnu Privacy Guard is a free-software alternative to Symantec's PGP suite. |
16 | G | n | I-O | | I-O | Input / Output | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Input/Output |
17 | G | n | IANA | | IANA | Internet assigned numbers authority; oversees the allocation of IP addresses to internet service providers (ISPs) | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) oversees IP address allocation to ISPs. |
18 | K | r | IPEX | | IPEX | issuance and presentation exchange protocol; mechanism for the issuance and presentation of ACDCs | Link | Link | 3 | | 1 | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | ACDC issuance and presentation protocol; mechanism for issuing and presenting ACDCs. |
19 | G | r | JOSE | | JOSE | Javascript object signing and encryption; method to securely transfer claims between parties | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | JavaScript object signing and encryption is a secure method for transferring claims between parties. |
20 | K | n | KA2CE | | KA2CE | KERI agreement algorithm for control establishment | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | KERI control establishment algorithm |
21 | K | n | KAACE | | KAACE | KERI agreement algorithm for control establishment | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | KERI control establishment algorithm |
22 | K | n | KEL | | KEL | Key Event Log | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | Event Log |
23 | K | n | KERI | | KERI | Key Event Receipt Infrastructure | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | Receipt Infrastructure |
24 | K | n | KERL | | KERL | Key Event Receipt Log | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | Event Receipt Log |
25 | K | n | KID | | KID | KERI improvement doc | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | Keri Improvement Document |
26 | G | n | LoA | | LoA | any time a judgement is not a binary Yes or No, you have levels of assurance | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Whenever a judgement is not simply a "Yes" or "No," there are varying levels of assurance. |
27 | G | n | LoC | | LoC | Locus of Control | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Locus of Control refers to the extent to which individuals believe they have control over events in their lives. |
28 | G | n | NFT | | NFT | Non-fungible token | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Non-fungible token |
29 | K | v | OOBI | | OOBI | Out of band introduction | Link | Link | 3 | | | 1 | #REF! | | | | | | | Introduction |
30 | G | r | P2P | | P2P | Peer to peer | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Peer-to-peer |
31 | G | r | PGP | | PGP | Pretty Good Privacy | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) |
32 | G | n | PKI | | PKI | Public Key Infrastructure | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) |
33 | K | n | PTEL | | PTEL | is a public transaction event log that can be used to securely track state anchored to a KEL | Link | Link | 3 | 1 | | | #REF! | | | | | | | is a secure public event log for tracking state anchored to a KEL. |
34 | K | n | SAD | | SAD | Self-Adressing Data | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | 1 | | | | | | Self-Addressing Data. |
35 | K | n | SAID | | SAID | Self-Adressing Identifier | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | 1 | | 1 | | | | Self-Addressing Identifier |
36 | G | n | SATP | | SATP | secure asset transfer protocol; IETF protocol (and working group) in the making (as of mid 2022) for moving assets between blockchains | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Secure asset transfer protocol: IETF protocol (and working group) currently being developed (mid-2022) to transfer assets between blockchains. |
37 | S | v | SCID | | SCID | Self-Certifying Identifier, cryptographically binds an identifier to a public and private key pair. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | A Self-Certifying Identifier cryptographically binds an identifier to a key pair. |
38 | S | r | SSI | | SSI | Self-Sovereign Identity | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | 1 | 1 | | 1 | | | Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) |
39 | G | n | TCP | | TCP | transmission control protocol, one of the main protocols of the Internet protocol suite. | Link | Link | 2 | | | 1 | #REF! | 1 | 1 | | | | | Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a key protocol in the Internet protocol suite. |
40 | K | n | TEL | | TEL | provides a cryptographic proof of registry state by reference to the corresponding controlling KEL. | Link | Link | 3 | 1 | | | #REF! | 1 | 1 | | | | | provides cryptographic proof of registry state via the corresponding controlling KEL. |
41 | G | r | UI | | UI | the space where interactions between humans and machines occur. | Link | Link | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | #REF! | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | The area where humans and machines interact. |
42 | G | n | URL | | URL | uniform resource locator or 'web address', is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network | Link | Link | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | #REF! | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | A URL, known as a web address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network. |
43 | K | n | VC-TEL | | VC-TEL | virtual credential transaction event log | Link | Link | 3 | 1 | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Virtual credential transaction log |
44 | G | n | VC | | VC | virtual credential | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | 1 | | | 1 | | | Virtual credential |
45 | G | n | VDS | | VDS | verifiable data structure | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Verifiable data structure. |
46 | G | v | agency | | agency | a service that a representative for an identity (agent) offers | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | 1 | | 1 | 1 | | | A service offered by an identity representative (agent). |
47 | K | v | ambient-verifiability | | ambient-verifiability | Verifiable by anyone, anywhere, at anytime. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Verifiable by anyone, anywhere, at any time. |
48 | G | n | append-only-event-logs | | append-only-event-logs | is a property of computer data storage such that new data can be appended to the storage, but where existing data is immutable | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Mutable data storage allows new data to be added, but existing data cannot be changed. |
49 | K | n | authentic-chained-data-container | | authentic-chained-data-container | data structure that proves digital data consistency and authenticity in one go | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A data structure that ensures both the consistency and authenticity of digital data. |
50 | K | n | authentic-data-container | | authentic-data-container | data structure that proves digital data consistency and authenticity in one go | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A data structure that ensures both the consistency and authenticity of digital data. |
51 | K | v | authentic-provenance-chain | | authentic-provenance-chain | evidence of data to be tracked back to its origin in an verifiable way | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Evidence of data can be tracked back to its origin in a verifiable manner. |
52 | G | a | authenticity | | authenticity | the quality of having an objectively verifiable origin | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The quality of having an objectively verifiable origin. |
53 | G | n | autonomic-computing-systems | | autonomic-computing-systems | self-managing computing systems using algorithmic governance | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Self-managing computing systems with algorithmic governance. |
54 | S | n | autonomic-identity-system | | autonomic-identity-system | identity systems where you can verify (establishment of) the authenticity all the way back to the root-of-trust | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Identity systems can verify authenticity all the way back to the root of trust. |
55 | S | n | autonomic-namespace | | autonomic-namespace | namespace that is self-certifying and hence self-administrating, is truly self-sovereign | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A self-certifying and self-administrating namespace is truly self-sovereign. |
56 | K | n | best-available-data-acceptance-mechanism | | best-available-data-acceptance-mechanism | BADA, mechanism that provides a degree of replay attack protection | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | BADA is a mechanism that offers replay attack protection. |
57 | S | v | binding | | binding | the association of data or an identifier with another identifier or a subject (a person, organization or machine) | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Associating data or an identifier with another identifier or subject (person, organization, or machine). |
58 | G | r | byzantine-agreement | | byzantine-agreement | is Byzantine fault tolerance of distributed computing system coming to consensus despite arbitrary behavior from a fraction of the network | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Byzantine fault tolerance allows distributed computing systems to reach consensus despite arbitrary behavior from some network participants. |
59 | G | n | byzantine-fault-tolerance | | byzantine-fault-tolerance | is a condition of a (distributed) computer system, where components may fail and there is imperfect information on whether a component has failed | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Distributed computer systems can experience failures and uncertainty regarding component statuses. |
60 | G | n | certificate-transparency | | certificate-transparency | internet security standard and framework for digital certificates | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Internet security standard and framework for digital certificates. |
61 | K | n | cesr-proof-signatures | | cesr-proof-signatures | An extension to CESR that provides signature attachments | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
62 | G | v | chain-of-custody | | chain-of-custody | legal chronological documentation or paper trail that records the sequence of custody of materials | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A legal record that documents the sequence of material custody. |
63 | G | v | claim | | claim | assertion of the truth of something, typically one which is disputed or in doubt | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | assertion of disputed or doubtful truth. |
64 | K | n | composable-event-streaming-representation | | composable-event-streaming-representation | Also 'CESR'. An encoding scheme of interchangeable textual and binary streaming applications of attached crypto material. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | CESR is an encoding scheme for interchangeable textual and binary streaming applications with attached crypto material. | | NO INPUT |
65 | G | v | consensus-mechanism | | consensus-mechanism | How groups of entitities come to decisions. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
66 | G | n | content-addressable-hash | | content-addressable-hash | Finding content by a hash of this content, generated by a one-way hash function applied to the content. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
67 | S | r | control-authority | | control-authority | Is 'who controls what?' and that is the primary factor in determining the basis for trust in them | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
68 | G | n | controller | | controller | the entity that has the ability to make changes to an identity, cryptocurrency or verifiable credential. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The entity capable of modifying an identity, cryptocurrency, or verifiable credential. |
69 | G | v | correlation | | correlation | an identifier used to indicate that external parties have observed how wallet contents are related. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | An identifier indicating external parties have observed the relationship between wallet contents. |
70 | G | n | credential | | credential | evidence of authority, status, rights, entitlement to privileges, or the like. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Evidence of authority, status, rights, entitlements, or similar privileges. |
71 | G | n | crypto-libraries | | crypto-libraries | deal with cryptography algorithms and have API function calls to each of the supported features | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | This deals with cryptography algorithms and has API functions for each supported feature. |
72 | G | n | cryptocurrency | | cryptocurrency | a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange wherein individual coin ownership records are stored in a digital ledger. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A digital asset that serves as a medium of exchange, with individual coin ownership records stored in a digital ledger. |
73 | G | n | cryptographic-commitment-scheme | | cryptographic-commitment-scheme | is a cryptographic primitive that allows one to commit to a value while keeping it hidden to others; you can reveal the committed value later. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
74 | G | n | cryptographic-strength | | cryptographic-strength | used to describe greater resistance to attack of an encryption algorithm in comparison to some other (which is thus cryptographically weaker) | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
75 | G | n | cryptonym | | cryptonym | a code word or name used to refer to another name, word, project, or person | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
76 | S | n | decentralized-identity | | decentralized-identity | is a technology that uses cryptography to allow individuals to create and control their own digital identifiers | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
77 | G | n | decentralized-key-management-infrastructure | | decentralized-key-management-infrastructure | an infrastructure ensure that no single third-party can compromise the integrity and security of the system as as whole. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
78 | S | n | delegated-identifier | | delegated-identifier | Matches the act of delagation with the appropriate digital twin. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
79 | G | n | digital-signature | | digital-signature | a mathematical scheme for verifying the authenticity of digital messages or documents | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Mathematical scheme to verify authenticity of digital messages or documents. |
80 | G | n | directed-acyclic-graph | | directed-acyclic-graph | DAG, a mathematical construct, particularly graph theory, the acyclic property stems from a directed graph with no cycles | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | A DAG, a mathematical construct in graph theory, is a directed graph with no cycles, giving it the acyclic property. |
81 | G | n | distributed-hash-table | | distributed-hash-table | any participant can retrieve the value associated with a given key | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Any participant can get the value for a specific key. |
82 | K | n | dual-text-binary-encoding-format | | dual-text-binary-encoding-format | An encoding format that allows for both text and binary encoding format, which is fully interchangeable | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
83 | K | n | duplicitous-event-log | | duplicitous-event-log | record of inconsistent event messages produced by a given controller or witness | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | log of inconsistent event messages from a controller or witness |
84 | G | n | duplicity | | duplicity | external inconsistency; which stems from publication of two or more versions of a (by itself consistent) key event log | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | External inconsistency occurs when multiple versions of a key event log are published, even though the log itself is consistent. |
85 | G | v | electronic-signature | | electronic-signature | | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
86 | G | a | end-verifiable | | end-verifiable | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
87 | G | v | entropy | | entropy | | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
88 | G | a | ephemeral | | ephemeral | | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
89 | K | a | first-seen | | first-seen | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
90 | G | n | gnu-privacy-guard | | gnu-privacy-guard | GPG is a free-software replacement for Symantec's PGP cryptographic software suite | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | GPG replaces Symantec's PGP software suite for free. |
91 | K | n | habery | | habery | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
92 | G | r | hierarchical-asynchronous-coroutines-and-input-output | | hierarchical-asynchronous-coroutines-and-input-output | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
93 | G | n | identifier | | identifier | Something to uniquely identify (public) identities; pointing to something or someone else. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Something to uniquely identify public identities, pointing to someone or something else. |
94 | G | n | identity | | identity | a unique entity. Typically represented by a unique identifier. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A distinct entity typically represented by a unique identifier. |
95 | K | n | inception-event | | inception-event | the first event in KERI that establishes an identifier. | Link | Link | 3 | 1 | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | The initial event in KERI that establishes an identifier. |
96 | G | v | inception | | inception | operation creating an AID by binding it to the initial set of authoritative keypairs and any other associated information. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Create an AID by binding it to the initial set of authoritative keypairs and any relevant information. |
97 | G | r | inconsistency | | inconsistency | different parts of a reason, idea or opinion do not agree, or it does not agree with something else. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | When different parts of a reason, idea, or opinion do not agree, or it is in disagreement with something else. |
98 | K | n | indexed-signature | | indexed-signature | an index telling which public key is used when signing anything with a multi-key autonomic identifier. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | An index indicating the public key used for signing with a multi-key autonomic identifier. |
99 | G | r | internal-inconsistency | | internal-inconsistency | A status that exists within an entity where different parts of a reason, idea or opinion disagree. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | A disagreement within an entity where different parts have conflicting reasons, ideas, or opinions. |
100 | G | n | internet-assigned-numbers-authority | | internet-assigned-numbers-authority | Also IANA; the organization that oversees the allocation of IP addresses to internet service providers (ISPs) | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | IANA oversees IP address allocation to ISPs. |
101 | K | r | issuance-and-presentation-exchange-protocol | | issuance-and-presentation-exchange-protocol | provides a uniform mechanism for the issuance and presentation of ACDCs in a securely attributable manner | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | 1 | | | | | | provides a secure and standardized way to issue and present ACDCs. |
102 | G | r | javascript-object-signing-and-encryption | | javascript-object-signing-and-encryption | Javascript object signing and encryption; method to securely transfer claims between parties | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | JavaScript object signing and encryption is a secure method for transferring claims between parties. |
103 | K | n | judge | | judge | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
104 | K | r | keri-agreement-algorithm-for-control-establishment | | keri-agreement-algorithm-for-control-establishment | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
105 | K | n | keri-command-line-interface | | keri-command-line-interface | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | 1 | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
106 | K | n | keri-improvement-doc | | keri-improvement-doc | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
107 | K | n | keridemlia | | keridemlia | distributed database of Witness IP-addresses | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Database of Witness IP addresses. |
108 | G | v | key-compromise | | key-compromise | | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
109 | K | n | key-event-message | | key-event-message | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
110 | K | n | key-event-receipt-infrastructure | | key-event-receipt-infrastructure | approach to decentralized identifiers and decentralized key management that promises significant benefits for self-sovereign identity and Trust over IP infrastructure | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | An approach to decentralized identifiers and key management that offers significant benefits for self-sovereign identity and Trust over IP infrastructure. |
111 | K | n | key-event-receipt-log | | key-event-receipt-log | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
112 | K | n | key-event-receipt | | key-event-receipt | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
113 | G | n | key-state | | key-state | | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
114 | G | n | key-transparency | | key-transparency | lookup service for generic records and a public, tamper-proof audit log of all record changes | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | lookup service for generic records and a publicly accessible, tamper-proof audit log of all record modifications |
115 | G | n | key | | key | | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | NO INPUT |
116 | G | n | levels-of-assurance | | levels-of-assurance | LoA, any time a judgement is not a binary Yes or No, you have levels of assurance | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | In LoA, when a judgment isn't a simple Yes or No, there are various levels of assurance. |
117 | G | n | liveness | | liveness | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
118 | G | r | loci-of-control | | loci-of-control | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
119 | K | n | management-transaction-event-log | | management-transaction-event-log | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
120 | G | n | message | | message | | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
121 | G | n | multicodec | | multicodec | | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
122 | G | n | namespace | | namespace | | Link | Link | 1 | 1 | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
123 | K | n | nested-cooperative-delegated-identifiers | | nested-cooperative-delegated-identifiers | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
124 | K | n | non-establishment-event | | non-establishment-event | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
125 | G | n | non-fungible-token | | non-fungible-token | | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
126 | G | a | non-normative | | non-normative | the purpose of non-normative theories is not to give answers, but rather to describe possibilities or predict results of certain actions | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Non-normative theories do not provide answers but describe possibilities or predict outcomes of specific actions. |
127 | S | a | non-repudiable | | non-repudiable | a statement's author cannot successfully dispute its authorship or the validity of an associated contract, signature or commitment. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The author of a statement cannot dispute its authorship or the validity of an associated contract, signature, or commitment. |
128 | G | a | non-transferable | | non-transferable | No capacity to transfer (the control over) a certain digital asset in an unobstructed or loss-less manner. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | No ability to transfer a digital asset without any obstruction or loss. |
129 | G | a | normative | | normative | a theory that tells you what you should do - what action you should take | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A theory that explains the appropriate action to take. |
130 | G | r | one-way-function | | one-way-function | a one-way function is a function that is easy to compute on every input, but hard to invert given the image of a random input | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A one-way function is easy to compute on all inputs but difficult to reverse given the image of a random input. |
131 | G | n | payload | | payload | the payload of an item in KERI is a specific cryptographic building block | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The payload of an item in KERI is a cryptographic building block. |
132 | G | n | pretty-good-privacy | | pretty-good-privacy | | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
133 | K | n | primary-root-of-trust | | primary-root-of-trust | | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
134 | G | n | primitive | | primitive | | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
135 | G | n | proof-of-authority | | proof-of-authority | proof that somebody or something has certain rights or permissions on data | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | proof of rights or permissions on data |
136 | K | n | proof-of-authorship | | proof-of-authorship | proof that somebody or something has originally created certain content | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Evidence that someone or something has created specific content. |
137 | G | n | provenance | | provenance | historic documentation of cryptographic verifiable key states , data consistency and cedentials | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Historical documentation of cryptographic key states, data consistency, and credentials. |
138 | G | n | public-key-infrastructure | | public-key-infrastructure | set of roles, policies, hardware, software and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store and revoke digital certificates | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Set of roles, policies, hardware, software, and procedures required for creating, managing, distributing, utilizing, storing, and revoking digital certificates. |
139 | K | n | public-verifiable-credential-registry | | public-verifiable-credential-registry | a Verifiable Data Registry that tracks the issuance/revocation state of credentials | Link | Link | 3 | 1 | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A Verifiable Data Registry tracks the issuing and revoking of credentials. |
140 | G | n | race-condition | | race-condition | the condition where a system's substantive behavior is dependent on the sequence or timing of external uncontrollable events | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The condition where a system's behavior depends on external uncontrollable events' sequence or timing. |
141 | K | n | receipt-log | | receipt-log | ordered record of all key event receipts for a given set of witnesses | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A record of key event receipts for witnesses. |
142 | G | n | receipt | | receipt | event message or reference with one or more witness signatures | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | event message with witness signatures |
143 | K | n | registrar | | registrar | identifiers that serve as backers for each transaction event log under its provenance | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Identifiers back each transaction event log to establish its provenance. |
144 | G | n | root-of-trust | | root-of-trust | trust in end-verifiable digital signatures from asymmetric key cryptography, replaces human basis-of-trust | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | End-verifiable digital signatures from asymmetric key cryptography replace human basis-of-trust. |
145 | K | v | rotation | | rotation | the operation of revoking and replacing the set of authoritative key pairs for an AID | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | revoking and replacing authoritative key pairs for an AID |
146 | K | r | secondary-root-of-trust | | secondary-root-of-trust | a root-of-trust that, for its secure attribution, depends on another primary root-of-trust | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A root-of-trust depends on a primary root-of-trust for secure attribution. |
147 | S | r | secure-asset-transfer-protocol | | secure-asset-transfer-protocol | an IETF protocol for moving assets between blockchains | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | An IETF protocol for transferring assets across blockchains. |
148 | S | v | secure-attribution | | secure-attribution | is 'whodunit?!' in cyberspace | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Whodunit in cyberspace! |
149 | G | n | seed | | seed | a pseudorandomly generated number, often expressed in representation of a series of words | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A randomly generated number, usually expressed as a series of words. |
150 | S | r | self-addressing-data | | self-addressing-data | an encryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | An encryption program that ensures data communication's cryptographic privacy and authentication. |
151 | S | r | self-certifying-identifier | | self-certifying-identifier | cryptographically binds an identifier to a public and private key pair | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Cryptographically binds an identifier to a key pair. |
152 | K | a | self-framing | | self-framing | A textual encoding that includes type, size, and value is self-framing; and thus parseable without needing any additional delimiting characters. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A self-framing textual encoding includes type, size, and value, making it parseable without any extra delimiting characters. |
153 | S | n | self-sovereign-identity | | self-sovereign-identity | | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
154 | G | n | signed-digest | | signed-digest | | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
155 | G | n | spanning-layer | | spanning-layer | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
156 | K | r | text-binary-concatenation-composability | | text-binary-concatenation-composability | When any set of self-framing concatenated primitives expressed in either the text domain or binary domain may be converted as a group to the other domain and back again without loss. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | When a group of self-framing concatenated primitives can be converted from one domain (text or binary) to the other and vice versa without any loss. |
157 | K | n | transaction-event-log | | transaction-event-log | The set of transactions that determine registry state form a log called a Transaction Event Log (TEL) and is cryptographically linked to corresponding controlling KEL. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The transactions that determine the registry state form a log called Transaction Event Log (TEL) and are cryptographically linked to the corresponding controlling KEL. |
158 | G | r | transmission-control-protocol | | transmission-control-protocol | TCP is one of the main protocols of the Internet protocol suite | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | TCP is a key protocol in the Internet protocol suite. |
159 | S | r | trust-domain | | trust-domain | A trust domain is the ecosystem of interactions that rely on a trust basis. A trust basis binds controllers, identifiers, and key-pairs. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A trust domain is an ecosystem of interactions relying on trust. It binds controllers, identifiers, and key pairs. |
160 | G | v | validator | | validator | the capability to determine whether or not (verified) data is valid to be used for some specific purpose(s). | Link | Link | 2 | 1 | | | #REF! | | | | | | | the ability to verify data's validity for a specific purpose. |
161 | G | r | veracity | | veracity | the quest for the truth | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The Truth Quest |
162 | G | n | verifiable-data-structure | | verifiable-data-structure | a verifiable data structure is a data structure that incorporates cryptographic techniques to ensure the integrity and authenticity of its contents | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A verifiable data structure is a structure that uses cryptographic techniques to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of its contents. |
163 | G | a | verifiable | | verifiable | able to cryptographically verify a certain data structure on its consistency and its authenticity. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Capable of cryptographically verifying a specific data structure for consistency and authenticity. |
164 | G | n | verifier | | verifier | the entity that (cryptogrpahically) verifies data received from peers (check structure, signatures, dates) | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The entity verifies received data from peers by checking its structure, signatures, and dates using cryptography. |
165 | G | n | version | | version | is a class of systems responsible for managing changes to computer programs, documents, large web sites, or other collections of information | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Version: Version control is responsible for managing changes to computer programs, documents, web sites, or other collections of information. |
166 | K | n | virtual-credential-transaction-event-log | | virtual-credential-transaction-event-log | will track the issued or revoked state of each virtual credential (VC) | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
167 | G | r | web-of-trust | | web-of-trust | In cryptography, a web of trust is a concept to establish the authenticity of the binding between a public key and its owner. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
168 | K | n | well-known-witnesses | | well-known witnesses | Predictable witness identifier creation by using known salts to initialize their key stores. For testing purposes only! | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
171 | G | n | repo | repo | repo | Software repository | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Software Repo |
173 | G | n | coroutines | coroutines | coroutines | Computer programs that can be suspended and resumed at will. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Suspend and resume computer programs at will. |
174 | G | r | input-output | I/O | input-output | Input / output | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Input/Output |
175 | G | n | hio | hio | hio | Hierarchical asynchronous coroutines and I/O in Python | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Hierarchical async coroutines and I/O in Python. |
178 | G | n | clone | clone | clone | A copy of a system that is - and works exactly as the original | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A replica system that is functioning exactly like the original. |
179 | G | n | branch | branch | branch | A duplicate of an object under version control for further separate modification | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A duplicate object under version control for separate modifications. |
180 | K | n | kli | kli | kli | KERI command line interface | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Keri CLI |
183 | S | n | verifiable-credential | verifiable credentials | verifiable-credential | the digital variant of our daily live's credentials (ike passport, driver's license), but in a machine-verifiable way | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The digital version of our daily life credentials, such as passports and driver's licenses, but in a machine-verifiable format. |
185 | | n | sub-shell | sub shell | sub-shell | a child shell started up from - and contained in another parent shell | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A child shell started from and contained within a parent shell. |
186 | S | n | agent | agent | agent | a representative for an identity | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | identity representative |
187 | G | n | cloud-agent | cloud agent | cloud-agent | is software installed on the cloud server instances for security, monitoring, and analysis | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The software is installed on cloud server instances for security, monitoring, and analysis. |
190 | G | n | user-interface | U/I | user-interface | A user interface (UI) is the space where interactions between humans and machines occur. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A user interface (UI) is where humans and machines interact. |
191 | G | r | multisig | multi-sig | multisig | A digital signature scheme which allows a group of users to sign a single piece of digital data. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A digital signature scheme enables a group of users to sign a single piece of digital data. |
192 | G | n | identifier-system | identifier | identifier-system | Something to uniquely identify (public) identities, pointing to something or someone else. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A unique identifier for public identities, referring to something or someone else. |
193 | G | n | wallet | wallet | wallet | A wallet is a collection of data stores, made up of a keystore, local and remote key event log database and credential database. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A wallet includes a keystore, local and remote key event log database, and a credential database. |
195 | K | n | witness | witnesses | witness | Entity that may receive, verify, and store key events for an identifier | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Entity that receives, verifies, and stores key events for an identifier. |
196 | K | n | watcher | watchers | watcher | Guarantee that KERI logs are immutable | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Ensure KERI logs are immutable. |
197 | G | v | key-management | key management | key-management | Management of cryptographic keys in a crypto-system. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Managing cryptographic keys in a crypto-system. |
199 | S | n | single-signature-identifier | single sig identifier | single-signature-identifier | An identifier that is controlled by a one-of-one signing keypair | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | An identifier controlled by a unique signing keypair. |
200 | G | n | keystore | key store | keystore | A keystore in KERI is the encrypted data store that hold the private keys for a collection of AIDs. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A keystore in KERI is an encrypted data store that holds the private keys for a collection of AIDs. |
201 | S | r | key-event | key events | key-event | Events happening to controlling keys of an identifier recorded in a Key Event Log (KEL). | Link | Link | 2 | 1 | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Events happening to control keys of an identifier are recorded in a Key Event Log (KEL). |
202 | S | r | interaction-event | interaction event | interaction-event | Anchors external data to the key-state as established by the most recent prior establishment event | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Anchoring external data to the key-state established by the most recent establishment event. |
203 | S | r | rotation-event | rotation event | rotation-event | Changes the key-state which includes a change to the set of authoritative keypairs for an AID | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Changes the key-state, including a change to the set of authoritative keypairs for an AID. |
204 | G | n | signing-threshold | signing thresholds | signing-threshold | Minimum number of valid signatures to satisfy the requirement for successful validation | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Minimum number of valid signatures for successful validation requirement. |
205 | K | n | key-event-log | KEL | key-event-log | Key Event Log is the native KERI verifiable data structure | Link | Link | 3 | 1 | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Key Event Log is the KERI's native verifiable data structure. |
206 | G | v | verify-signature | verify signatures | verify-signature | Applying an algorithm that either accepts or rejects the message's claim to authenticity; when you can succesfully verify a signature | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Applying an algorithm to verify the authenticity of a message by accepting or rejecting its claim when a signature can be successfully verified. |
207 | G | r | peer-to-peer | peer-to-peer communications | peer-to-peer | Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants in a network | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Peers are equally privileged and equipotent participants in a network. |
209 | G | n | salt | salts | salt | Random data that is used as an additional input to a cryptographic one-way function | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Random data used as an additional input for a cryptographic one-way function. |
210 | K | v | delegation | delegation | delegation | Delegation can be defined as “the act of empowering to act for another” | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Delegation is the act of empowering someone to act on behalf of another. |
211 | K | r | multi-sig-delegation | multi-sig delegation | multi-sig-delegation | delegated identifiers under multi-signature control | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Multi-signature control for delegated identifiers. |
213 | S | n | transferable-identifier | transferable | transferable-identifier | Control over identifier can be transferred by rotating keys | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Keys can transfer control over identifiers by rotating them. |
215 | G | n | configuration-files | configuration file | configuration-files | File used to configure the parameters and initial settings for some computer programs | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | This file configures parameters and initial settings for computer programs. |
219 | G | r | transfer_Protocol | post and put | transfer_Protocol | HTTP request methods to indicate the desired action to be performed on the identified resource | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | HTTP request methods indicate the desired action on the identified resource. |
221 | G | n | passcode | passcode | passcode | Secret data, typically a string of characters, usually used to confirm a user's identity | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Secret data, often a string of characters, commonly utilized for user identity verification. |
222 | G | v | key-stretching | stretched into an encryption key | key-stretching | make a possibly weak key, typically a password or passphrase, more secure against a brute-force attack by increasing the resources | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Enhance the security of a potentially weak key, such as a password or passphrase, against brute-force attacks by increasing available resources. |
224 | K | n | non-transferable-identitifer | non-transferable identifier | non-transferable-identitifer | Controlling keys over this identifier cannot be rotated and therefore this identifier is non-transferable to other control | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Keys cannot be rotated for this identifier, making it non-transferable for control elsewhere. |
226 | K | n | threshold-signature-scheme | witness threshold | threshold-signature-scheme | The minimum number of valid witness signatures required | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Minimum required witness signatures. |
227 | K | v | pre-rotation | pre-rotation | pre-rotation | commitment to next rotated key set in previous rotation or inception event | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | commitment to the next key set rotated in the previous rotation or inception event. |
228 | K | n | prefix | prefixes | prefix | A prefix that is composed of a basic Base-64 (URL safe) derivation code pre-pended to Base-64 encoding of a basic public digital signing key | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The prefix is a combination of a Base-64 derivation code and the Base-64 encoding of a public digital signing key. |
229 | G | n | base64 | base64 | base64 | A group of binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Binary-to-text encoding schemes represent binary data. |
230 | K | a | qualified | qualified | qualified | when qualified, a cryptographic primitive includes a prepended derivation code | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | When qualified, a cryptographic primitive includes a derived code prepended. |
231 | K | n | derivation-code | derivation code | derivation-code | A special character that encodes the derivation process, pre-pended to the identifier | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A special character that encodes the derivation process, added to the identifier. |
232 | G | n | blake3 | Blake3 hash | blake3 | BLAKE3 is a relatively young (2020) cryptographic hash function based on Bao and BLAKE2. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | BLAKE3 is a new cryptographic hash function, released in 2020, that builds upon Bao and BLAKE2. |
233 | G | n | data-anchor | anchor data into | data-anchor | Data anchors are digests of digital data, that uniquely identify this data | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Data anchors are digital data digests that uniquely identify the data. |
234 | S | n | autonomic-identifier | AID | autonomic-identifier | An identifier that is self-certifying and self-sovereign | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A self-certifying and self-sovereign identifier. |
236 | G | n | digest | digest | digest | Verifiable cryptographic commitment. It's a collision resistant hash of content | Link | Link | 2 | 1 | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Verifiable cryptographic commitment is a collision-resistant content hash. |
237 | K | r | issuance-event | issuance event | issuance-event | The inception event of a verifiable credential | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The inception event of a verifiable credential. |
238 | K | n | public-transaction-event-log | public transaction event log | public-transaction-event-log | Is a hash linked data structure of transactions that can be used to track state | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A hash linked data structure is used to track state in transactions. |
239 | G | n | Rust | | Rust | programming language | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Programming Language |
240 | K | r | establishment-event | establishment | establishment-event | An event that establishes control authority | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A control authority event |
241 | G | n | memory-Mapped_Database | lmdb databases | memory-Mapped_Database | Lightning Memory-Mapped Database | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Lightning Memory-Mapped DB |
242 | K | r | indexed-signature | indexed signatures | indexed-signature | Used when signing anything with a multi-key autonomic identifier, a verifier knows which of the multiple public keys was used | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | When signing with a multi-key autonomic identifier, a verifier can determine which specific public key was used. |
245 | K | n | self-addressing-identifier | self-addressing identifiers | self-addressing-identifier | An identifier that is deterministically generated from and embedded in the content it identifies, making it and its data mutually tamper-evident | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | An identifier is deterministically generated from and embedded in the content it identifies, making it and its data tamper-evident. |
247 | K | n | ledger-backer | ledger backer | ledger-backer | A witness in KERI that is ledger-registered | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A registered witness in KERI. |
248 | K | n | witness | witness backer | witness | A native KERI witness whose control authority is established in a KEL | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A KERI witness, native to KEL, has established control authority. |
249 | K | n | verifiable-legal-entity-identifier | vLEI | verifiable-legal-entity-identifier | Digital verifiable credentials issued by (delegates) of GLEIF to prove that information about a legel entity is verifiably authentic | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Digital verifiable credentials issued by GLEIF delegates to verify the authenticity of information about a legal entity. |
250 | S | n | ssi-system | SSI system | ssi-system | SSI Infrastructure consisting of the technological components that are deployed all over the world | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | SSI Infrastructure consists of technological components deployed worldwide. |
252 | K | v | transfer-off-ledger | transfer off a ledger | transfer-off-ledger | The act of transferring control authority over an identifier from a ledger (or blockchain) to the native verifiable KERI data structure KEL | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Transferring control authority of an identifier from a ledger or blockchain to the KEL data structure in KERI. |
255 | G | n | service-endpoint | service endpoints | service-endpoint | A web service endpoint which is a URL at which clients of specific service can get access to the service. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A web service endpoint is a URL where clients can access a specific service. |
256 | G | n | uniform-resource-locator | URLs | uniform-resource-locator | A reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A web resource reference that specifies its location on a computer network and a retrieval mechanism. |
257 | G | n | ip-address | ip-address | ip-address | A numerical label such as '' that is connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A numerical label, like '', connected to a computer network using the Internet Protocol for communication. |
258 | G | n | tcp-endpoint | TCP endpoint | tcp-endpoint | This is a service endpoint of the web transmission control protocol | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | This is a web transmission control protocol endpoint. |
259 | K | n | inquisitor | inquisitor | inquisitor | Someone (in a validating role) that launches an inquiry at some KERI witness | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | A person (in a validating role) who questions a KERI witness. |
260 | G | v | replay-attack | | replay-attack | intercept and then fraudulently delays or resend a message to misdirect the receiver into doing what the attacker wants | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Intercepting a message and fraudulently delaying or resending it to misdirect the receiver into complying with the attacker's desires. |
261 | G | n | XBRL | | XBRL | extensible business reporting language, standard for digital business reporting | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), a digital standard for business reporting. |
262 | G | n | extensible-business-reporting-language | | extensible-business-reporting-language | XBRL, standard for digital business reporting | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | XBRL is the standard for digital business reporting. |
263 | K | n | locked-state | locked state | locked-state | default state of an encrypted KERI data store with a passcode | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The default state of an encrypted KERI data store with a passcode. |
265 | K | r | out-of-band-introduction | data OOBIs | out-of-band-introduction | data out-of-band introductions | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Data out-of-band intros |
266 | K | r | out-of-band-introduction | credential schema OOBIs | out-of-band-introduction | credential schema out-of-band introductions | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Credentials schema introductions outside of the main channel. |
267 | K | n | keep | keep | keep | is KERI's and ACDC's depreciated crypto wallet, a task orientated application for managing AIDs in ecosystems, e.g. the vLEI Ecosystem | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | This is a deprecated crypto wallet by KERI and ACDC. It is a task-oriented app for managing AIDs in ecosystems such as the vLEI Ecosystem. |
268 | G | r | zero-trust | zero trust | zero-trust | a Zero Trust approach trusts no one | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | In a Zero Trust approach, no one is trusted. |
270 | K | r | revocation-event | revocation events | revocation-event | An event that revokes control authority over an identifier | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | An event revoking control authority over an identifier. |
272 | K | n | escrow-state | escrow states | escrow-state | The current state of all the temporary storage locations (what events are waiting for what other information) that KERI protocol needs to keep track of, due to its fully asynchronous nature. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The current state of all temporary storage locations that the KERI protocol needs to keep track of, due to its fully asynchronous nature (events waiting for other information). |
273 | K | r | server-sent-event | server-sent events | server-sent-event | Mailbox notifications, a streaming service for the agent U/I, to get notifications from the KERI system itself | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | Mailbox notifications is a streaming service for the agent U/I, providing notifications directly from the KERI system. |
274 | G | n | seal | | seal | cryptographic proof in a secondary root-of-trust that is anchored in a primary-root-of-trust | Link | Link | 2 | 1 | | | #REF! | | | | | | | cryptographic proof in a secondary root-of-trust anchored in a primary root-of-trust |
275 | S | a | authoritative | | authoritative | (control over) an identifier is 'authoritative' because it can be considered accurate, renowned, honourable and / or respected | Link | Link | 3 | 1 | | | #REF! | | | | | | | An identifier has control and is considered authoritative when it is accurate, renowned, honorable, and respected. |
276 | K | n | QVI | | QVI | qualified vlei issuer, contracting party qualified by GLEIF | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | Qualified vlei issuer, contracting party qualified by GLEIF. |
277 | K | n | qualified-vlei-issuer | | qualified-vlei-issuer | QVI, contracting party qualified by GLEIF | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | QVI, a contracting party qualified by GLEIF. |
278 | K | n | ghost-credential | | ghost-credential | a valid credential within in a 90 days grace period | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | a valid credential within a 90-day grace period |
279 | K | n | redundant-credential | | redundant-credential | multiple -, independently valid credentials issued by the same issuer | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | Multiple independently valid credentials issued by the same issuer. |
280 | K | r | engagement-context-role | | engagement-context-role | A person that represents the Legal Entity in a context role and is issued an ECR vLEI Credential. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | A person represents the Legal Entity in a role and is issued an ECR vLEI Credential. |
281 | K | r | ECR | | ECR | A person that represents the Legal Entity in a context role and is issued an ECR vLEI Credential. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | A person represents the Legal Entity in a role and is issued an ECR vLEI Credential. |
282 | K | n | gleif-authorized-representative | | gleif authorized representative | A GLEIF representative authorized to perform verification needed to issue the QVI vLEI Credential. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | A GLEIF representative authorized to verify and issue the QVI vLEI Credential. |
283 | K | n | GAR | | GAR | A GLEIF representative authorized to perform verification needed to issue the QVI vLEI Credential. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | A GLEIF representative authorized to verify and issue the QVI vLEI Credential. |
284 | G | n | GLEIF | | GLEIF | Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | Global LEI Foundation. |
285 | K | n | DAR | | DAR | A representative of a Legal Entity authorized by the Legal Entity to act officially on behalf of the Legal Entity. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | A representative authorized by a Legal Entity to act on its behalf officially. |
286 | K | n | designated-authorized-representative | | designated-authorized-representative | A representative of a Legal Entity authorized by the Legal Entity to act officially on behalf of the Legal Entity. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | A representative authorized by a Legal Entity to act on its behalf officially. |
287 | K | n | AVR | | AVR | authorized vlei representative | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | Authorized Vlei representative. |
288 | K | n | authorized-vlei-representative | | authorized-vlei-representative | a representative of a Legal Entity that's authorized to request issuance and revocation of credentials | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | a representative of a legal entity authorized to request issuance and revocation of credentials |
289 | G | n | LEI | | LEI | Legal Entity Institute | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | Legal Entity Institute. |
290 | G | n | legal-entity | | legal-entity | unique parties that are legally or financially responsible for financial transactions or have the legal right to enter into legal contracts | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | parties who are legally and financially responsible for transactions or have the right to enter into contracts | | parties legally or financially responsible for transactions or with the legal right to enter contracts |
291 | K | r | OOR | | OOR | official organizational role, a person holding a vLEI credential person and representing the Legal Entity | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | official organizational role, a person holding a vLEI credential and representing the Legal Entity |
292 | K | r | official-organizational-role | | official-organizational-role | OOR, a person holding a vLEI credential person and representing the Legal Entity | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | OOR, a person holding a vLEI credential and representing the Legal Entity |
293 | K | n | qvi-authorized-representative | | qvi-authorized-representative | QAR, conducts QVI operations with GLEIF and Legal Entities | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | QAR conducts QVI operations in collaboration with GLEIF and Legal Entities. |
294 | K | n | QAR | | QAR | qvi authorized representative, conducts QVI operations with GLEIF and Legal Entities | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | Authorized representative conducts QVI operations with GLEIF and legal entities. |
295 | K | n | vlei-ecosystem-governance-framework | | vlei-ecosystem-governance-framework | a document that defines the information security, privacy, availability, confidentiality and processing integrity policies that apply | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | This document defines the policies for information security, privacy, availability, confidentiality, and processing integrity. |
296 | K | v | solicited-issuance | | solicited-issuance | issuance of Legal Entity vLEI / OOR / ECR Credentials upon receipt by the QAR | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | issuing vLEI/OOR/ECR Credentials upon QAR's receipt. |
297 | K | v | unsolicited-issuance | | unsolicited-issuance | issuance of a Legal Entity vLEI Credential upon notice by a QAR to its AVR(s) | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | QAR notifies AVR(s) to issue a vLEI Credential to Legal Entity. |
298 | G | n | governance-framework | | governance-framework | a set of rules how to apply technology | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | A set of rules on how to apply technology. |
299 | K | n | GLEIS | | GLEIS | Global Legal Entity Identifier System | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | Global LEI System |
300 | K | n | vlei-credential | | vlei-credential | verifiable Legal Entity Identifier | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | Verifiable LEI |
301 | K | r | legal-entity-engagement-context-role-vlei-credential-governance-framework | | legal-entity-engagement-context-role-vlei-credential-governance-framework | A document that details the requirements for vLEI Role Credentials issued to representatives of a Legal Entity in functional - or other context of engagement. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | NO INPUT |
302 | K | n | vlei-role-credential | | vlei-role-credential | A vLEI credential that attests a role. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | NO INPUT |
303 | K | n | legal-entity-official-organizational-role-vlei-credential-governance-framework | | legal-entity-official-organizational-role-vlei-credential-governance-framework | A document that details the requirements for vLEI Role Credentials issued to official representatives of a Legal Entity. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | NO INPUT |
304 | K | n | legal-entity-vlei-credential-governance-framework | | legal-entity-vlei-credential-governance-framework | A document that details the requirements for vLEI Credential issued by a Qualified vLEI Issuer to a Legal Entity | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | NO INPUT |
305 | K | n | qualified-vlei-issuer-vlei-credential-governance-framework | | qualified-vlei-issuer-vlei-credential-governance-framework | A document that details the requirements to enable this Credential to be issued by GLEIF to Qualified vLEI Issuers | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | 1 | | | NO INPUT |
306 | S | n | DID | | DID | Decentralized Identifier | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | DID |
307 | S | n | decentralized-identifier | | decentralized-identifier | Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) enable verifiable, decentralized digital identity, refering to a person, organization, thing, data model, abstract entity, etc. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
308 | K | v | partial-pre-rotation | | partial-pre-rotation | change of control but partially keep some keys unexposed while exposing others as needed. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | Change control but partially keep certain keys undisclosed while exposing others as required. |
309 | K | v | partial-rotation | | partial-rotation | change of control but partially keep some keys unexposed while exposing others as needed. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | Change control but partially keep certain keys undisclosed while exposing others as required. |
310 | K | v | custodial-rotation | | custodial-rotation | change of control that is split between two key sets | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | Change of control split between two key sets. |
311 | K | v | reserve-rotation | | reserve-rotation | preparatory key pairs being held in reserve and not exposed | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | Preparation key pairs reserved and not exposed. |
312 | K | n | custodial-agent | | custodial-agent | a custodian who has been granted signing authority and usually also being the host of the running agent software. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | A custodian typically granted signing authority and also acts as the host for the running agent software. |
313 | S | r | signing-authority | | signing-authority | the authority to sign on behalf of the controller of an identifier | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | the authority to sign for the controller of an identifier |
314 | S | r | rotation-authority | | rotation-authority | the (exclusive) right to change control over an identifier | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | The exclusive right to change control of an identifier. |
315 | G | n | trans-contextual-value | | trans-contextual-value | value that is transferrable between contexts | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | Transferable value across contexts. |
316 | G | r | source-of-truth | | source-of-truth | a trusted data source that gives a complete picture of the truth about a data object. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | a reliable data source providing a comprehensive view of the truth about a data object. |
317 | G | v | authorization | | authorization | specifying access rights or privileges to resources | Link | Link | 1 | | | 1 | #REF! | 1 | 1 | | | | | specifying access rights to resources |
318 | G | r | application-programming-interface | | application-programming-interface | a way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | 1 | 1 | | | | | A method for multiple computer programs to communicate with each other. |
319 | G | n | API | | API | an application Programming Interface, a way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | 1 | 1 | | | | | An API is a way for computer programs to communicate with each other. |
320 | G | n | key-pair | | key-pair | a public key and its corresponding private key. | Link | Link | 1 | | | 1 | #REF! | 1 | 1 | | | | | a public key and its corresponding private key. |
321 | G | n | owner | | owner | a role that exercizes its legal, rightful or natural title to control something. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | A role that exercises its legal, rightful, or natural authority to control something. |
322 | G | r | ownership | | ownership | a relationship between two, one of these (the owner) is entitled to enjoy, dispose of, and control the other sovereignly. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | In a relationship between two individuals, one (the owner) has the entitlement to enjoy, dispose of, and control the other entirely. |
323 | G | n | self-sovereignty | | self-sovereignty | the characteristic of every party that it is autonomous in managing and operating its own knowledge | Link | Link | 1 | | | | #REF! | 1 | 1 | | 1 | | | Every party is autonomous in managing and operating its own knowledge. |
324 | K | r | presentation-exchange | | presentation-exchange | an exchange that provides disclosure of one or more ACDCs between a Discloser and a Disclosee. | Link | Link | 3 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | an exchange that discloses one or more ACDCs between a Discloser and a Disclosee. |
325 | G | n | discloser | | discloser | an ACDC in a disclosure is disclosed by the Discloser. | Link | Link | 1 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | The Discloser discloses an ACDC in a disclosure. |
326 | G | n | disclosee | | disclosee | an ACDC in a disclosure is disclosed to the Disclosee. | Link | Link | 1 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | An ACDC in a disclosure is revealed to the Disclosee. |
327 | G | n | issuer | | issuer | an ACDC is issued by the Issuer. The Issuer identifier (AID) appears in the top level of the ACDC. | Link | Link | 1 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | An ACDC is issued by the Issuer and contains the Issuer identifier (AID) in the top level. |
328 | G | n | issuee | | issuee | an ACDC is optionally issued to the Issuee. | Link | Link | 1 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | An ACDC can be optionally issued to the recipient. |
329 | K | r | issuance-exchange | | issuance-exchange | a special case of a presentation exchange where the Discloser is the Issuer of the origin (Primary) ACDC | Link | Link | 3 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | This is a special case of a presentation exchange where the Discloser is the Issuer of the origin (Primary) ACDC. |
330 | K | r | chain-link-confidentiality | | chain-link-confidentiality | chains together a sequence of Disclosees. Each Disclosee in the sequence in turn is the Discloser to the next Disclosee. | Link | Link | 3 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | This text chains a sequence of Disclosees, where each Disclosee becomes the Discloser to the next. |
331 | K | v | graduated-disclosure | | graduated-disclosure | disclosure performed by a presentation exchange that has cross-variant Issuer commitment verifiability as an essential property. | Link | Link | 3 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | Disclosure is performed by a presentation exchange with cross-variant Issuer commitment verifiability as an essential property. |
332 | K | n | top-level-section | | top-level-section | are the fields of an ACDC compact variant. | Link | Link | 2 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | These fields are part of an ACDC compact variant. |
333 | K | r | compact-variant | | compact-variant | an Issuer commitment via a signature to any variant of ACDC | Link | Link | 3 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | an Issuer signs a commitment to any variant of ACDC. |
334 | K | v | contractually-protected-disclosure | | contractually-protected-disclosure | the most elaborate form of disclosure by an IPEX. Contractually protected disclosure includes both chain-link confidential and contingent disclosure. | Link | Link | 3 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | The most detailed form of disclosure by an IPEX includes contractually protected disclosure, which encompasses both chain-link confidential and contingent disclosure. |
335 | G | n | ricardian-contract | | ricardian-contract | a method of recording a document as a contract at law, and linking it securely to other systems | Link | Link | 2 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | A way to record a document as a secure contract and link it to other systems. |
336 | K | v | contingent-disclosure | | contingent-disclosure | | Link | Link | 3 | | 1 | | #REF! | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
337 | G | v | eclipse-attack | | eclipse-attack | an eclipse attack is a P2P network-based attack, an attacker tries to isolate a node from the rest of the network | Link | Link | 2 | | | | #REF! | | 1 | | | | | An eclipse attack is a P2P network attack where the attacker attempts to isolate a node from the network. |
338 | K | n | promiscuous-mode | | promiscuous-mode | the indiscriminate mode a watcher (network) runs in. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | #REF! | | | | | | | The mode of a watcher in a network. |
339 | G | n | protocol | | protocol | a code of correct conduct, in our case specifically communication protocols, cryptographic protocols, and decentralized network protocols | Link | Link | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | #REF! | 1 | 1 | | | | | Our code of conduct includes communication, cryptographic, and decentralized network protocols. |
340 | G | n | pseudo-random-number | | pseudo-random-number | a value that is statistically random, but it is (repeatedly) derived from a known starting point | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | A randomly derived value from a known starting point. |
341 | G | v | validate | | validate | a decision to accept an outcome | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | deciding to accept an outcome |
342 | S | v | verify | | verify | the act, by or on behalf of a party, of determining whether that data is authentic, not expired, and conforms to other specifications. | Link | Link | 2 |
343 | S | n | persistent-identifier | | persistent-identifier | Control over this type of long-living identifier can be transferred by rotating keys. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Keys can rotate to transfer control of long-living identifiers. |
344 | K | r | interleaved-serializations | | interleaved-serializations | Serializations of different types interleaved in an overarching format | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Different types of serializations are interleaved in an overarching format. |
345 | S | r | collective-signature | | collective-signature | Multisignature scheme for a single resulting pubic key | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Multisignature scheme for a single public key. |
346 | G | n | graph-fragment | | graph-fragment | an ACDC is a verifiable data structure and part of a graph consisting of a node fragment and edge fragments | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | ACDC is a verifiable data structure that forms part of a graph, including a node fragment and edge fragments. |
347 | G | r | persistent-datastructure | | persistent-datastructure | an append only verifiable data structure. Hence, making them immutable means distributable and concurrency-friendly. What we sign may not change. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | An append-only, verifiable data structure makes them immutable, which enables distribution and concurrency. What we sign cannot be changed. |
348 | G | r | collision | | collision | a circumstance where two or more identifiers in a given namespace or a given scope cannot be unambiguously resolved | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | A situation where two or more identifiers in a namespace or scope cannot be resolved unambiguously. |
349 | G | n | schema-namespace-registry | | schema-namespace-registry | a centrally managed schema registry where corporations or individuals reserve schemas within a specific namespace in order to have an interoperable schema that is labeled with a corporation-specific or individual-specific namespace | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | A centrally managed schema registry allows corporations or individuals to reserve interoperable schemas within a specific namespace. These labeled schemas are assigned a corporation-specific or individual-specific namespace. |
350 | G | n | schema-registry | | schema-registry | registry for credential schemas based on namespaces | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Registry for schemas based on namespaces. |
351 | G | n | domain-name | | domain-name | is a string that identifies a realm of administrative autonomy on the internet | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | A string that identifies an internet administrative realm. |
352 | G | n | domain | | domain | general term for (an identifier of) an autonomous space | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | General term for an autonomous space identifier. |
353 | G | n | registry | | registry | an official digital record book, usually refering to one means to a specific instance, within a multi-tenant registry. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | An official digital record book typically refers to a specific instance within a multi-tenant registry. |
354 | G | r | composability | | composability | When any set of self-framing concatenated primitives expressed in either the text domain or binary domain may be converted as a group to the other domain and back again without loss. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | When a group of self-framing concatenated primitives can be converted from one domain (text or binary) to the other and vice versa without any loss. |
356 | G | a | interoperable | | interoperable | Interoperability is a characteristic of a product or system to work with other products or systems. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Interoperability is the ability of a product or system to work with others. |
357 | G | r | interoperability | | interoperability | Interoperability is a characteristic of a product or system to work with other products or systems. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Interoperability is the ability of a product or system to work with others. |
358 | G | n | cryptographic-primitive | | cryptographic-primitive | Well-established, low-level cryptographic algorithm that is frequently used to build cryptographic protocols for computer security systems; e.g. one-way hash functions and encryption functions. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | A well-known cryptographic algorithm commonly used in computer security systems for creating cryptographic protocols such as one-way hash functions and encryption functions. |
359 | G | v | concatenation | | concatenation | the operation of joining character strings end-to-end. E.g. 'snow' and 'ball' becomes 'snowball' | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | The process of combining character strings to create a single string. For example, 'snow' and 'ball' combine to form 'snowball'. |
360 | G | v | multiplexing | | multiplexing | is a method by which multiple analog or digital signals are combined into one signal over a shared medium. The aim is to share a scarce resource. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Signal combining is a method to merge multiple analog or digital signals into a single shared signal. It aims to efficiently distribute limited resources. |
361 | G | v | pipelining | | pipelining | a set of data processing elements connected in series, where the output of one element is the input of the next one. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | A series of connected data processing elements, where the output of one element becomes the input for the next. |
362 | K | n | group-framing-code | | group-framing-code | codes that can be specified to support groups of primitives. Grouping enables pipelining. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Codes can be specified to support primitive groups, enabling pipelining. |
363 | K | r | hierarchical-composition | | hierarchical-composition | encoding protocol that is composable in a hierarchy and enables pipelining of complex streams in either text or compact binary | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Composable and hierarchical encoding protocol enables pipelining of complex streams in text or binary formats. |
364 | K | n | frame-code | | frame-code | codes that can be specified to support groups of primitives. Grouping enables pipelining. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Codes can be specified to support primitive groups, enabling pipelining. |
365 | K | n | count-code | | count-code | codes that can be specified to support groups of primitives. Grouping enables pipelining. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Codes can be specified to support primitive groups, enabling pipelining. |
366 | K | n | group-code | | group-code | codes that can be specified to support groups of primitives. Grouping enables pipelining. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Codes can be specified to support primitive groups, enabling pipelining. |
367 | S | a | transferable | | transferable | capable of loss-less transfer of control over identifiers, private keys, etc. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Capable of lossless transfer of control for identifiers, private keys, etc. |
368 | G | v | post-pad | | post-pad | the action and / or result of extending a string with trailing pad characters to align to a certain length in bits or bytes. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Extending a string with pad characters to align it to a specific length in bits or bytes is the act or outcome. |
369 | G | v | pre-pad | | pre-pad | the action and / or result of prepending a string with leading pad characters to align to a certain length in bits or bytes. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Prepending a string with leading pad characters is the act of aligning it to a specific length in bits or bytes. |
370 | K | v | naive-conversion | | naive-conversion | a text to binary conversion or vice versa that doesn't anticipate on either composability and / or on the concatenation capability of the result of such an operation. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A text to binary conversion that does not consider composability or concatenation capabilities of the output. |
371 | G | n | pad | | pad | is a character used to fill empty space | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Is a character used to fill empty space. |
372 | G | n | lead-bytes | | lead-bytes | pre-conversion added characters in a pre-padded way, used to fill empty space | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Pre-conversion characters were added to fill empty space in a pre-padded manner. |
373 | G | n | code-table | | code-table | a code table is the Internet's most comprehensive yet simple resource for browsing and searching for various codes. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | A code table is the Internet's most comprehensive and user-friendly resource for browsing and searching various codes. |
374 | K | n | code-table-selector | | code-table-selector | the first character in the text code of CESR stream that determines which code table to use. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | The first character in the text code of CESR stream determines the code table to use. |
375 | K | n | sally | | sally | a vLEI Audit Reporting Agent that receives presentations of credentials and notices of revocation. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A vLEI Audit Reporting Agent that receives credential presentations and revocation notices. |
376 | K | n | signify | | signify | is a web client (key) event signing - and key pair creation app that minimizes the use of KERI on the client. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | This is a web client app for event signing and key pair creation. It reduces the need for using KERI on the client. |
377 | G | n | escrow | | escrow | a third party temporarily holds money or property until a particular condition has been met. The verb refers to handling out of order events in KERI. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | A third party temporarily holds funds or assets until a specific condition is met. The verb refers to managing out-of-sequence events in KERI. |
378 | K | n | keri-suite-search-engine | | keri-suite-search-engine | the Docusaurus self-education site of Web-of-Trust GitHub repo with Typesense search facilities | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | The Docusaurus self-education site for the Web-of-Trust GitHub repo now includes Typesense search capabilities. |
379 | K | n | field-map | | field-map | a traditional key:value pair renamed to avoid confusing with the cryptographic use of the term 'key' | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A traditional key:value pair is renamed to avoid confusion with the cryptographic meaning of the term 'key'. |
380 | K | r | CLC | | CLC | chain-link confidential, a disclosure mechnism of credentials | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Chain-link confidential is a mechanism for disclosing credentials. |
381 | K | v | cold-start-stream-parsing | | cold-start-stream-parsing | After a reboot a stream processor looks for framing information to know how to parse groups of elements in the stream. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | After a reboot, a stream processor searches for framing information to determine how to parse element groups in the stream. |
382 | K | a | fully-compact | | fully-compact | the intermediate variant of a ACDC credential -> signed and its proofs anchored in key event logs. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | The intermediate ACDC credential variant is signed and its proofs are anchored in key event logs. |
383 | K | a | most-compact | | most-compact | the most brief least disclosing version of an ACDC based credential. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | The shortest and least revealing ACDC credential version. |
384 | K | a | fully-expanded | | fully-expanded | the most extensive most disclosing and most user-friendly version of an ACDC based credential. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | the most comprehensive, revealing, and user-friendly ACDC-based credential. |
385 | G | v | RUN | | RUN | read, update, nullify -> the new peer-to-peer end-verifiable monotonic update policy | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Read, update, nullify - the new P2P EV monotonic update policy. |
386 | G | v | CRUD | | CRUD | create, read, update, delete -> the traditional client-server database update policy | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | The traditional client-server database update policy includes CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. |
387 | G | n | authentic-web | | authentic-web | a mental model in which the whole internet is considered as a one giant verifiable data structure | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | The internet is viewed as one giant, verifiable data structure. |
388 | K | v | run-off-the-crud | | run-off-the-crud | a decentralised controlling peer does not create records in the traditional sense of a server | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A decentralized controlling peer does not create traditional server records. |
389 | G | n | integrity | | integrity | the information is whole, complete, sound, in good order and unimpaired (not necessarily correct) | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | The information is complete, accurate, organized, and intact (not necessarily correct). |
390 | G | n | verified-integrity | | verified-integrity | a proof of unambiguous assessment whether the information is/continues to be whole, sound and unimpaired | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | A proof of clear assessment of whether the information remains intact, reliable, and undamaged. |
391 | G | v | complementary-integrity-verification | | complementary-integrity-verification | a mechanism that can verify integrity independent of needing access to a previous instance or reference version of the information for comparison | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | a mechanism that can independently verify integrity without needing access to a previous instance or reference version for comparison. |
392 | K | n | prior-next-threshold | | prior-next-threshold | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
393 | K | n | current-signing-threshold | | current-signing-threshold | | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
394 | K | n | dual-indexed-codes | | dual-indexed-codes | a context-specific coding scheme, for the common use case of thresholded multi-signature schemes in CESR | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A specific coding scheme for thresholded multi-signature schemes in CESR. |
395 | K | n | keripy | | keripy | Python implementation of KERI | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Python implementation of KERI |
396 | K | n | keri-ox | | keri-ox | RUST implementation of KERI | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | RUST KERI Implementation |
397 | S | n | pii | | pii | personally identifiable information | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | PII |
398 | S | r | contextual-linkability | | contextual-linkability | when data capture points provide enough context to be able to use statistical correlation to link existing data sets describing a person to that same person's disclosed attributes | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | When data capture points give enough context to use statistical correlation in linking existing data sets describing a person to that person's disclosed attributes. |
399 | K | r | blinded-revocation-registry | | blinded-revocation-registry | a transaction event log hidden or blinded; the only way a verifier can observe the state is when the AID controller discloses it at presentation time | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A hidden or blinded transaction event log; the verifier can only observe the state when the AID controller discloses it during presentation. |
400 | G | v | rainbow-table-attack | | rainbow-table-attack | a password cracking method that uses a special table (a “rainbow table”) to crack the password hashes in a database | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | The method uses a special table, known as a "rainbow table," to crack password hashes in a database. |
401 | K | r | SKWA | | SKWA | Simple KERI for Web Auth | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Simple KERI for Web Authentication. |
402 | K | n | simple-keri-for-web-auth | | simple-keri-for-web-auth | A KERI implementation that sacrifices performance or other non-security feature for usability. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A KERI implementation sacrificing performance or other non-security features for usability. |
403 | K | r | KRAM | | KRAM | KERI Request Authentication Method for replay protection | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Keri requests an authentication method for replay protection. |
404 | K | r | keri-request-authentication-method | | keri-request-authentication-method | KERI Request Authentication Method for replay protection | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Keri requests an authentication method for replay protection. |
405 | K | n | juror | | juror | performs duplicity detection on events and event receipts | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | performs duplicate detection on events and event receipts |
406 | K | n | jury | | jury | set of entities or components acting as jurors | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A group of entities or components that act as jurors. |
407 | K | n | opcode | | opcode | provide stream processing instructions that are more general and flexible | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Provide more general and flexible stream processing instructions. |
408 | K | n | version-code | | version-code | tells you which set of tables to load and it tells the table state. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
409 | K | n | strip-parameter | | strip-parameter | tells us what part of the CESR stream will be parsed by which code | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | This text shows which code will parse each part of the CESR stream. |
410 | K | n | parside | | parside | parser library for Composable Event Streaming Representation (CESR) | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | CESR parser library |
411 | K | n | version-string | | version-string | a workaround to make JSON, CBOR and MGPK self-framing in CESR | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A workaround to make JSON, CBOR, and MGPK self-framing in CESR. |
412 | K | n | cesride | | cesride | cryptographic primitives for use with Composable Event Streaming Representation (CESR) | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Cryptographic primitives for CESR. |
413 | K | n | sniffer | | sniffer | the sniffer is part of Parside and detects if the CESR stream contains CESR binary, CESR Text, JSON, CBOR, MGPK | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | The sniffer, which is part of Parside, detects CESR binary, CESR Text, JSON, CBOR, and MGPK in the CESR stream. |
414 | G | n | PRNG | | PRNG | Pseudorandom Number Generator | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Pseudorandom Number Generator |
415 | G | n | CSPRNG | | CSPRNG | Cryptographically Secure Pseudorandom Number Generator | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Cryptographically Secure PRNG |
416 | | n | FFI | | FFI | Foreign Function Interface | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Foreign Function Interface (FFI) |
417 | G | n | foreign-function-interface | | foreign-function-interface | Is a mechanism by which a program written in one programming language that can call routines or make use of services written or compiled in another one | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | It is a way for a program in one programming language to call routines or utilize services from another language. |
418 | G | n | HDK | | HDK | hierchical deterministic key | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Hierarchical deterministic key. |
419 | G | n | HSM | | HSM | hardware security module | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Hardware security module |
420 | K | v | partial-disclosure | | partial-disclosure | an ACDC attribute section that can disclosed (a nested branch in a tree), you can either decide to disclose or not | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | ACDC attribute section can be disclosed, like a nested branch in a tree. You have the option to disclose or not. |
421 | K | v | selective-disclosure | | selective-disclosure | selective disclosure is a list of field maps, that you can choose to blind and publish, however all are disclosured. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Selective disclosure is a list of field maps that you can choose to blind and publish. However, all of them are disclosed. |
422 | K | v | full-disclosure | | full-disclosure | a disclosure of data in all its details | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | data disclosure |
423 | K | r | threshold-of-accountable-duplicity | | threshold-of-accountable-duplicity | Controller provides itself with any degree of protection by giving a minimum number of confirming witnesses sufficient given a certain accountability. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | The controller protects itself by having a few confirming witnesses to ensure accountability. |
424 | K | n | TOAD | | TOAD | threshold of accountable duplicity; provided by controller concerning witnesses | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Accountable duplicity threshold provided by controller for witnesses. |
425 | K | n | keride | | keride | Rust library for Key Event Receipt Infrastructure | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Rust lib for Key Event Receipt |
426 | K | n | KERIA | | KERIA | KERI agent in the cloud | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | KERI cloud agent |
427 | K | r | Signifide | | Signifide | signing at the edge | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Signing on the edge. |
428 | K | n | kiwi | | kiwi | UI tooling for working with KERI | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | UI tooling for KERI |
429 | G | n | hardware-security-module | | hardware-security-module | a physical computing device that safeguards and manages secrets (most importantly digital keys) | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | A device that safeguards and manages secrets, specifically digital keys. |
430 | G | n | hierchical-deterministic-keys | | hierchical-deterministic-keys | a type of deterministic bitcoin wallet derived from a known seed, that allow for the creation of child keys from the parent key | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | A deterministic bitcoin wallet can be created from a known seed, allowing for the generation of child keys from the parent key. |
431 | K | r | SKRAP | | SKRAP | Signify/KERIA Request Authentication Protocol | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Signify/KERIA Authentication Protocol Request |
432 | K | r | signify-keria-request-authentication-protocol | | signify-keria-request-authentication-protocol | The KERIA service will expose 3 separate HTTP endpoints on 3 separate network interfaces | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | The KERIA service will have 3 HTTP endpoints on 3 network interfaces. |
434 | K | v | prefixing | | prefixing | prefixing | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Prefixing |
435 | K | v | pathing | | pathing | enables sending portions of a credential | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | enables sending parts of a credential |
436 | K | v | parsing | | parsing | parsing | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Parsing |
437 | K | r | bespoke-credential | | bespoke-credential | It's a custom issuance of the presentation of other ACDCs, it serves as an on-the-fly contract with the issuee; it's a self-referencing and self-contained contract | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | It is a customized presentation of other ACDCs. It serves as a contract with the issuee on-the-fly. It is a self-referencing and self-contained contract. |
438 | K | n | KERIMask | | KERIMask | A wallet similar to MetaMask that will connect to KERIA servers in order for a person to control AIDs from their browser. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A MetaMask-like wallet to connect to KERIA servers, enabling browser-based control of AIDs. |
439 | K | n | KERISSE | | KERISSE | KERI Suite Search Engine | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | KERI Search Engine |
440 | K | n | keri-suite | | keri-suite | is the set of inter-related developments (KERI, ACDC, OOBI, CESR, IPEX, etc) under the Web-of -Trust user on Github | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | This is a collection of interconnected developments (KERI, ACDC, OOBI, CESR, IPEX, etc.) used by the Web-of-Trust user on Github. |
441 | K | n | ndigs | | ndigs | Digests of keys, used to prove control over keys or to hide keys | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Key digests are used to prove control over keys or conceal them. |
442 | K | n | verfer | | verfer | a primitive that represents a public key | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A public key primitive. |
443 | K | n | diger | | diger | a primitive that represents a digest | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A primitive representing a digest. |
444 | K | n | cigar | | cigar | an unindexed signature | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | an unindexed signature. |
445 | K | n | siger | | siger | an indexed signature used within KERI when there are multiple current keys to an identifier | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | An indexed signature is used in KERI when there are multiple current keys for an identifier. |
446 | K | n | signer | | signer | a primitive that represents a private key | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A primitive representing a private key. |
447 | K | n | salter | | salter | a primitive that represents a seed that has the ability to generate new Signers | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A seed that can generate new Signers. |
448 | G | n | LLM | | LLM | Large Language Model | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Language Model |
449 | G | n | large-language-model | | large-language-model | Is a language model consisting of a neural network with many parameters | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | The language model is a neural network with numerous parameters. |
450 | K | n | ixn | | ixn | Field name for Interaction Event; its content contains a hash pointer | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Interaction Event Field: Contains a hash pointer. |
451 | K | n | rot | | rot | Field name for Rotation Event; its content contains a hash pointer | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Field name: Rotation Event Content: Contains a hash pointer |
452 | G | n | JSON | | JSON | JavaScript Object Notation | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | JavaScript Object Notation |
453 | K | v | icp | | icp | incept, inception | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | inception |
454 | K | v | vcp | | vcp | vdr incept, verifiable data registry inception | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | VDR, Verifiable Data Registry, inception |
455 | K | v | bis | | bis | backed vc issue, registry-backed transaction event log credential issuance | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | VC issuance, registry-backed transaction log for credential issuance. |
456 | G | n | concise-binary-object-representation | | concise-binary-object-representation | It is a binary data serialization format loosely based on JSON | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | It's a binary data serialization format loosely based on JSON. |
457 | K | v | brv | | brv | backed vc revoke, registry-backed transaction event log credential revocation | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Revoked VC, registry-backed transaction event log for credential revocation. |
458 | K | v | vrt | | vrt | vdr rotate, verifiable data registry rotation | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | VDR Rotate: Verifiable Data Registry Rotation. |
459 | K | r | secure-private-authentic-confidentiality | | secure-private-authentic-confidentiality | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
460 | K | r | SPAC | | SPAC | secure private authentic confidentiality | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Secured, private, authentic, confidential. |
461 | K | r | dead-drop | | dead-drop | a presenter controls the disclosure so you can't re-identify the data | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | The presenter controls the disclosure, preventing data re-identification. |
462 | K | n | ample | | ample | minimum required number of participants in an event to have a supermajority in the consensus agreement algorithm (KAACE) in KERI | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | The minimum number of participants needed for a supermajority in the consensus agreement algorithm (KAACE) in KERI. |
463 | G | r | supermajority | | supermajority | Sufficient majority immune to certain kinds of attacks or faults | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Sufficient majority immune to certain attacks or faults. |
464 | G | n | CBOR | | CBOR | concise binary object representation | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Concise binary object rep |
465 | K | n | tholder | | tholder | t-holder object that supports fractionally-weighted thresholds | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | T-holder object supporting fractional-weighted thresholds |
466 | K | n | bexter | | bexter | A class (programming code) in CESR that preserves its integrity in a round-trip conversion even though it offers variable length text | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A class in CESR that maintains its integrity in a round-trip conversion despite variable length text. |
467 | K | r | moobi | | moobi | to share a bunch of different end-points (oobis) all at once | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | to share multiple end-points (oobis) simultaneously |
468 | G | n | ts-node | | ts-node | npm package that lets you run typescript from a shell | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | npm package for running TypeScript from a shell. |
469 | K | n | interceptor | | interceptor | a keria class that allows to push events happening inside the cloud agent to other backend processes | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A Keria class enables pushing cloud agent events to other backend processes. |
470 | K | n | salty-nonce-blinding-factor | | salty-nonce-blinding-factor | Selectively share a secret and hide information with this secret | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
471 | K | n | ilk | | ilk | short for message type | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Short for message type. |
472 | K | v | dip | | dip | delcept, delegated inception | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Delcept, Delegated Inception. |
473 | K | v | drt | | drt | deltate, delegated rotation | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Deltate: delegated rotation. |
474 | K | n | rct | | rct | receipt | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Receipt. |
475 | K | n | ksn | | ksn | sate, key state notice | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | State key notice |
476 | K | v | qry | | qry | query | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Query. |
477 | K | v | rpy | | rpy | reply | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Reply. |
478 | K | v | exn | | exn | exchange | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Exchange. |
479 | K | v | exp | | exp | expose, sealed data exposition | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Data exposure. |
480 | K | v | iss | | iss | vc issue, verifiable credential issuance | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | VC issuance: verifiable credential issuance. |
481 | K | v | rev | | rev | vc revoke, verifiable credential revocation | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | VC revocation, or verifiable credential revocation. |
482 | K | n | vdr | | vdr | verifiable data registry | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Verifiable data registry. |
483 | K | r | KATE | | KATE | Kate = KERI at the Edge | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Kate at the Edge = KERI |
484 | K | v | spurn | | spurn | Reject | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Reject. |
485 | G | v | dnd | | dnd | do not delegate | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Don't delegate. |
486 | G | v | revocation | | revocation | The act of recall or annulment. It is the cancelling of an act, the recalling of a grant or privilege. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Recall or annulment is the act of canceling or recalling an act, grant, or privilege. |
487 | G | n | verifiable-data-registry | | verifiable-data-registry | a Verifiable Data Structure that actually holds content | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A verifiable data structure that holds content securely. |
488 | G | n | VDR | | VDR | Verifiable Data Registry, a Verifiable Data Structure that actually holds content | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Verifiable Data Registry, a structure that holds content and is verifiable. |
489 | G | r | E2E | | E2E | end-to-end | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | End-to-end. |
490 | G | r | end-to-end | | end-to-end | Inter-host communication and data flow transformations, considered in motion and at rest | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Inter-host communication and data flow transformations, both in motion and at rest. |
491 | K | v | duplicity-detection | | duplicity-detection | A mechanism to detect duplicity in cryptographically secured event log | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Detecting duplicity in cryptographically secured event log |
492 | G | r | double-spend-proof | | double-spend-proof | Total global ordering of transactions so that you can't spend value twice | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Global ordering prevents double spending. |
493 | G | v | MFA | | MFA | multi-factor authentication | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Multi-factor authentication. |
494 | G | v | multi-factor-authentication | | multi-factor-authentication | Authentication by combining multiple security factors, e.g. what you know, what you have and what you are. | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Authentication by combining multiple security factors, such as knowledge, possession, and identity. |
495 | G | r | threshold-structure-security | | threshold-structure-security | Allows for weaker key management or execution environment infrastructure individually, but achieves greater overall security by multiplying the number of attack surfaces | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Allows for weaker management or execution environment, but improves overall security by increasing attack surfaces. |
496 | G | n | TEE | | TEE | trusted-execution-environment; protected hardware/software/firmware security system | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | trusted execution environment: secure hardware/software/firmware system |
497 | G | n | trusted-execution-environment | | trusted-execution-environment | Protected hardware/software/firmware security system | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Protected hardware and software security system |
498 | G | r | security-overlay-properties-trillema | | security-overlay-properties-trillema | an identifier system has some degree of any combination of the three properties authenticity, privacy and confidentiality, but not all three completely | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | An identifier system possesses some combination of the three properties: authenticity, privacy, and confidentiality, but never all three to their fullest extent. |
499 | S | r | autonomic-trust-basis | | autonomic-trust-basis | to form this we use an AID as the root-of-trust | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | To create this, we utilize an AID as the root of trust. |
500 | S | n | autonomic-identifier | | autonomic-identifier | self-managing self-certifying identifier | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | self-managing, self-certifying identifier. |
501 | S | n | legitimized-human-meaningful-identifier | | legitimized-human-meaningful-identifier | identifier authorised through its autonomic identifier couplet | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Authorized identifier through an autonomous identifier couplet. |
502 | S | n | LID | | LID | Legitimized (or authorised) human meaningful identifier | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Human meaningful ID |
503 | S | n | security | | security | in identifier systems it means secure from exploit or compromise | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | In identifier systems, it refers to being secure against exploits or compromises. |
504 | S | a | secure | | secure | in identifier systems it means secure from exploit or compromise | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | In identifier systems, it refers to being secure against exploits or compromises. |
505 | K | r | univalent | | univalent | having a unique and non-ambiguous identifier for each entity or resource | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Each entity or resource should have a unique and unambiguous identifier. |
506 | K | r | multi-valent | | multi-valent | A situation in which a delegator may have multiple delegates thereby enabling elastic horizontal scalability. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
507 | S | r | security-cost-performance-architecture-trade-off | | security-cost-performance-architecture-trade-off | | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
508 | K | r | cooperative-delegation | | cooperative-delegation | A type of delegation that needs both a delegator and a delegate to be established | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
509 | G | n | TPM | | TPM | trusted platform module; a device that enhances the security and privacy by providing hardware-based cryptographic functions | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a device that enhances security and privacy through hardware-based cryptographic functions. |
510 | G | n | trusted-platform-module | | trusted-platform-module | A device that enhances the security and privacy by providing hardware-based cryptographic functions | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A device that enhances security and privacy using hardware-based cryptographic functions. |
511 | K | r | bivalent | | bivalent | Two independent key management infrastructures with no movement of private keys between the two. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | NO INPUT |
512 | S | n | keri‐event‐stream | | keri‐event‐stream | A stream of verifiable KERI data, consisting of the key event log and other data such as a transaction event log | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A verifiable stream of KERI data, including the key event log and other transaction event logs. |
513 | S | n | stale-key | | stale-key | A stale key is an outdated or expired encryption key that should no longer be used for securing data | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | A stale key is an outdated or expired encryption key that shouldn't be used for securing data anymore. |
514 | S | n | stale-event | | stale-event | An outdated or irrelevant (key) event involving an expired encryption key that may compromise security | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | An obsolete or irrelevant event related to an expired encryption key that could jeopardize security. |
515 | G | r | privacy | | privacy | Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Privacy is the ability for individuals or groups to hide themselves or their personal information. |
516 | G | n | confidentiality | | confidentiality | a set of rules or a promise that limits the access or places restrictions on certain types of information | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Rules or promises that limit access or place restrictions on certain information. |
517 | K | n | RID | | RID | Root autonomic identifier | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Root identifier |
518 | K | n | root-autonomic-identifier | | root-autonomic-identifier | An entity may provide the root-of-trust for some ecosystem (with delegations) via its root autonomic identier (AID). | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | An entity can offer the root-of-trust for an ecosystem through its root autonomic identifier (AID) and delegations. |
519 | K | a | provenanced | | provenanced | The act of verifying authenticity or quality of documented history or origin of something | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Verifying the authenticity or origin of something. |
520 | K | r | non-interactive-authentication-design | | non-interactive-authentication-design | Non-interactive Authentication Design | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Non-interactive Authentication Design, shortened and with grammar corrected |
521 | K | r | interactive-authentication-design | | interactive-authentication-design | secure authentication through an interactive mechanism that requires a set of requests and responses or challenge responses with challenge response replies | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Secure authentication is achieved through an interactive mechanism that involves requesting and responding with challenge responses. |
522 | S | r | ESSR | | ESSR | Encrypt Sender, Sign the Receiver | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Encrypt sender, sign receiver. |
523 | S | n | VID | | VID | Verifiable Identifier | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Verifiable ID |
524 | S | r | encrypt‐sender‐sign‐receiver | | encrypt‐sender‐sign‐receiver | Encrypt Sender, Sign the Receiver | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Encrypt sender, sign receiver. |
525 | S | n | verifiable-identifier | | verifiable-identifier | Cryptographically verifiable authentic identifier | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Cryptographically verifiable identifier |
526 | S | n | trust-spanning-protocol | | trust-spanning-protocol | Protocol using VIDs that signs every single message on the internet. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Protocol using VIDs that signs every internet message. |
527 | S | n | TSP | | TSP | Trust spanning protocol, using VIDs that signs every single message on the internet. | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | TrustSpan protocol, utilizing VIDs to sign every internet message. |
528 | S | v | privacy-washing | | privacy-washing | De-identification so that it provides a personal data safe harbour and could be legally acceptable forwarded | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | De-identification provides a safe harbor for personal data and can be legally acceptable when forwarded. |
529 | S | n | DKR | | DKR | Did:keri resolver | Link | Link | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | Did Keri resolve? |
530 | S | n | reputation | | reputation | Consistent behaviour over time on the basis of which anyone else makes near-future decisions | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Consistent behavior over time on which others base near-future decisions. |
531 | S | r | discovery | | discovery | a discovery mechanism helps to locate and verify digital identities without relying on a central authority | Link | Link | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | A discovery mechanism allows locating and validating digital identities without relying on a central authority. |
532 | S | r | broken-object-level-authorization | | broken-object-level-authorization | or BOLA, refers to security flaws where users can access data they shouldn't | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | BOLA stands for security flaws allowing unauthorized data access. |
533 | S | n | BOLA | | BOLA | Broken Object Level Authorization | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Broken Object-Level Authorization |
534 | K | v | read-update-nullify | | read-update-nullify | or "RUN"; Read, update, nullify are actions you can take on data, no create or delete | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | "RUN": Read, update, and nullify are actions for data manipulation, without the ability to create or delete. |
535 | K | v | RUN | | RUN | read-update-nullify, actions you can take on data, no create or delete. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Read, update, and nullify data - these are the actions you can take. No creating or deleting is allowed. |
536 | K | r | direct-mode | | direct-mode | (one-to-one) trust mode in KERI, in which the identity controller establishes control via verified signatures of the controlling key-pair. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | KREI employs a one-to-one trust mode where the identity controller gains control through verified signatures of the controlling key-pair. |
537 | K | r | indirect-mode | | indirect-mode | (one-to-many) trust mode in KERI, which extends the direct trust basis with witnessed key event receipt logs (KERL) for validating events. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | In KERI, there is a trust mode called one-to-many that adds witnessed key event receipt logs (KERL) to validate events. |
538 | K | r | end-role | | end-role | An end role is an authorization for one AID to serve in a role for another AID. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | An end role authorizes one AID to serve in another AID's role. |
539 | K | n | hab | | hab | A Hab is a keystore for one identifier. | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | A Hab is a store for one identifier. |
540 | S | r | identity-assurance | | identity-assurance | The heavy-lifting to be done to establish reputational trust, KERI is for attributional trust | Link | Link | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | Establishing reputational trust requires significant effort, while KERI is aimed at achieving attributional trust. |
541 | S | r | attributional-trust | | attributional-trust | You can't have reputation without attributional trust, KERI offers cryptographic root-of-trust | Link | Link | 2 |
542 | S | r | reputational-trust | | reputational-trust | identity-assurance by a trusted party | Link | Link | 2 |
543 | G | n | ADR | | ADR | Architectural Decision Records | Link | Link | 2 |
544 | G | n | architectural-decision-record | | architectural-decision-record | justified software design choice that addresses an architectural requirement | Link | Link | 2 |
545 | G | n | MIME-type | | MIME-type | Also 'media type'; a standard way to indicate the nature and format of a file, like 'image/jpeg' for JPEG images, used on the internet. | Link | Link | 1 |
546 | G | n | media-type | | media-type | Also 'MIME type'; a standard way to indicate the nature and format of a file, like 'image/jpeg' for JPEG images, used on the internet. | Link | Link | 1 |
547 | K | n | listed-identifier | | listed-identifier | a list in an ACDC of authorised did:webs identifier + method | Link | Link | 3 |
548 | S | r | designated-aliases | | designated-aliases | An AID controller can designate aliases which are AID controlled identifiers such as a did:keri, did:webs, etc | Link | Link | 2 |
549 | K | a | sniffable | | sniffable | A stream is sniffable as soon as it starts with a CESR group code or field map | Link | Link | 3 |
550 | K | n | reconciliation | | reconciliation | Reconciliation is the process in which you decide to accept a fork of the KEL or not. | Link | Link | 2 |
551 | S | n | party | | party | an entity who participates or is concerned in an action, proceeding, plan, etc. | Link | Link | 1 |
553 | S | n | verification | | verfication | An action an agent (of a principal) performs to determine the authenticity of a claim or other digital object using a cryptographic key. | Link | Link | 2 |
554 | K | n | kever | | kever | Kever is a key event verifier | Link | Link | 3 |
555 | S | n | kerific | | kerific | kerific is a front plugin or extension for Chrome and Brave, that matches words in text on the web that offers buttons to various SSI glossaries and definitions. | Link | Link | 1 |
556 | K | r | access-controlled-interaction | | access-controlled-interaction | Access controlled actions like submitting a report | Link | Link | 3 |
557 | K | r | registration-interaction | | registration-interaction | Setup/Registration interaction, new AID and authorization to establish access control | Link | Link | 3 |
559 | K | n | xip | | xip | A message that allows a transaction set to become duplicity evident | Link |
560 | K | n | KAPI | | KAPI | KERI API | Link |