📄️ Cheat sheet: writing a page inside /docs
What is this: A few rules about headings, internal linking, images and more that we kept in mind. It's how we did it.
📄️ Check and accept PR production KERISSE site locally
Why this how-we-did: To test pull request offered before accepting them in github
📄️ Create Omnigraffle infographic and convert to SVG
Why this doc: to show how-we-did create SVG files to serve as infographics on the site
📄️ Create a search index
For who is this how-we-did: Maintainers of the KERISSE site
📄️ Create an online table to link terms to resources
What is this: This is how-we-did the processing of a video into an educational resource.
📄️ Docusaurus process
📄️ Edit glossary metadata
The glossary metadata are currently hosted in Google Sheets.
📄️ Embed a Github-hosted image in a Github wiki page
For who: content developers and those who'd like to repair broken images
📄️ File system
For who: maintainers and developers
📄️ Fill out terms in the WebofTrust wiki
What is this
📄️ install-project-kerisse
What is this: Github README describes the download, install, configuration and launch of this project.
📄️ WOT How we did's
This is a source directory that explains how this site came to be and how it can be maintained.
📄️ IP rights of scraped sources
What is this: accountability for having asked permission, where needed, to use the sources on the internet and scrape (copy) and index them into the Typesense search engine
📄️ JavaScript documentation
Client Side and NodeJS JavaScript documention using JSDoc (opens in new tab)
📄️ Kerific Bookmarklet and Chrome Extension
📄️ Kerific Discord bot
See the Kerific Discord Bot README.MD
📄️ Load weboftrust glossary in weboftrust github page
Why how-we-did this: We'ld like to have a straightforward editting tool that authenticates users that Create Update and/or Delete the content of the terms repo. With the use of git it will register all changes and done by whom, which facilitates curation and adds reputation.
📄️ Github Actions
For who
📄️ Overrides
📄️ Typesense search install and configuration
What is this: the necessary Typesense search engine commands and configs to serve the KERISSE site best
📄️ The Terms WOT manage structure explained
What is this: A description of architecture and follow-up technical design