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IP rights of scraped sources

What is this: accountability for having asked permission, where needed, to use the sources on the internet and scrape (copy) and index them into the Typesense search engine

For who: anyone concerned about IP rights of third parties in relation to what we're doing with KERISSE

Result: peace of mind, hopefully

Where are the sources?

It depends.

  • On for Reading and Referencing
  • On for Creation, Update & Delete and Github (transformation) Actions
  • On any text-base webpage and Kerific tool installed: Adoption & Creation-reminder


We have personally asked permission to scrape:

  • the blogs that we offer in KERISSE
  • the website of Samuel Smith

We don't need extra explicit permission because the license allow us to scrape, index, change, amend the data:

  • all the data on under Apache-2 license
  • all the glossaries we import and combine


We try to acknowledge people's effort and intellectual property at least once on our KERISSE site. If you feel we need to acknowledge better or more, just create an issue here and we will look into the claim.


In case we've madde a mistake. Just create an issue here and we will look into the claim. Worst case we'll drop the source of our import-scraping-indexing tools and we'll go look for other data elsewhere that fits into the Apache-2 open source educational resources we provide.