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Check and accept PR production KERISSE site locally

Why this how-we-did: To test pull request offered before accepting them in github

For who: crew responsible for acceptance of PRs offered by content developers

What is the objective: To check content and code that is uploaded to the team as a PR.

git stash 
git status
git fetch upstream main
git log
  • fix-mdfiles is the name of the PR.
  • testSC1 is the acronym of the developer that I use in this example.

Pull the proposed changes in

git checkout -b testSC1  
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/fix-mdfiles


Now the changes that the PR proposes have been locally applied to the new branch

npm run build
npm run serve

Now you can locally test the site at the address that look something like http://localhost:3000/WOT-terms/. The result of npm run serve will tell you the exact URL.

After succesfull test merge result

git checkout main
git merge testSC1

After merge push to production environment

git push -u upstream main

Result: PR remotely accepted

Clean up

git stash pop
git branch -D testSC1