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This is a source directory that explains how this site came to be and how it can be maintained.

What is this?

In how-we-did we document 'the making of' this site that consists of

  • data; which we call WOT-terminology or WOT-terms
  • functionality; which we call KERISSE


Is the data part of this site and consists of:

  • whitepapers
  • code of the KERI Suite
  • Glossary
  • Q-and-A's
  • Concepts behind the KERI Suite
  • blogs
  • etc


  • Typesense Search Engine
  • Artificial Intelligence chatBot; ONHOLD 2023
  • Docusaurus static site functionality

How we did

...answers questions like:

  • why did we make these things listed above
  • how to create the result step by step
  • how to update the result step by step
  • how to use the result step by step after that
  • why do we have this component (and not something else)
  • who does benefit from the component or process
  • what's the precedence, the workflow, the triggers, what comes after this

Schematic view

Canvas 1Layer 1WOT-terms WikiKERISSE DOCS📄📄KERISSE SEARCH INDEX 🔍Exernal domain 1Exernal domain 2ScraperScraperScraperOwn contentCopies of content on external domains CopiedWOT-terms Wikiannotations(Google Sheet) Github repo’s ScraperToIP WikieSSIF-LabWiki“Confrontation”“Confrontation”OtherWiki’s“Confrontation”Github latest activity(Real Time)Visualisations(Created by specialists)