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chain link confidentiality


Chains together a sequence of Disclosees which may also include a set of constraints on data usage by both second and third parties expressed in legal language such that the constraints apply to all recipients of the disclosed data thus the phrase "chain link" confidentiality. Each Disclosee in the sequence in turn is the Discloser to the next Disclosee.

This is the primary mechanism of granting digital data rights through binding information exchange to confidentiality laws. Confidentiality is dynamically negotiated on a per-event, per-data exchange basis according to the data that is being shared in a given exchange.


Disclosures via Presentations Exchanges may be contractually protected by Chain-Link Confidentiality (i.e. a Chain-Link Confidential disclosure). The chaining in this case is different from the chaining described above between Issuances in a DAG of chained Issuances. Chain-link confidentiality, in contrast, chains together a sequence of Disclosees.
More info at source

Article Woodrow Hartzog

An important article on the topic can be found here:
Woodrow Hartzog “Chain-Link Confidentiality”