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self framing


a textual encoding that includes type, size, and value is self-framing.
Source Samual M Smith

Detailed explanation

A self-framing text primitive may be parsed without needing any additional delimiting characters. Thus a stream of concatenated primitives may be individually parsed without the need to encapsulate the primitives inside textual delimiters or envelopes. Thus a textual self-framing encoding provides the core capability for a streaming text protocol like STOMP or RAET.

Although a first class textual encoding of cryptographic primitives is the primary motivation for the CESR protocol defined herein, CESR is sufficiently flexible and extensible to support other useful data types, such as, integers of various sizes, floating point numbers, date-times as well as generic text. Thus this protocol is generally useful to encode in text data data structures of all types not merely those that contain cryptographic primitives.

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